Lasagne With Pesto Genovese, French Beans & Potato

Lasagne With Pesto Genovese, French Beans & Potato

Sometimes, we all want that satisfaction of tucking into something comforting and familiar, only a healthier version. This lasagne recipe ticks all the boxes, offering a vegetarian and fresh take on a classic Italian dish.
Serves 4
Total Time
45 Minutes
10 Barilla lasagne sheets
1 jar of Pesto Genovese Barilla
200g of semi-boiled, then peeled, cubes of potatoes
200g of French beans, cut 2cm longwise and blanched
900ml of semi-skimmed milk
50g of plain white flour
50g of butter
60g of parmigiano reggiano cheese
Nutmeg, to taste
Step 1

To prepare the béchamel, melt the butter in a pan, add the flour and mix well.

Step 2

Boil the milk in a separate pan, ensuring you stir constantly to avoid lumps. Season with salt and a bit of nutmeg then set aside.

Step 3

Grease a baking pan with a bit of butter and pour onto the bottom a first layer of the cooked potatoes and French beans.

Step 4

Then add a layer on top of lasagne sheets, followed by another layer of veggies.

Step 5

Sprinkle with raped parmigiano reggiano and continue to alternate layers of lasagne and veggies.

Step 6

Leave a layer of sauce on the top, sprinkle with parmigiano reggiano and bake in the over at 180°C for 20 minutes.

Step 7

Wait until it’s baked golden and crunchy on top, leave for 2 minutes to rest, then serve. Enjoy with a side salad and garlic bread.

Recipe courtesy of

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