7 Surprising Dating Deal-Breakers

7 Surprising Dating Deal-Breakers

We all know the basics of a first date: Don’t be late, don’t talk about your ex, don’t just order a drink for yourself. But dating site EliteSingles has released a list of the worst faux pas for singles – and some of them will definitely surprise you. From getting too friendly on Facebook to taking a selfie, these are the weirdest dating deal-breakers…

1. Inviting Your Date On A Fancy Dinner

Thought you’d treat your new beau to lobster and champagne at the fanciest restaurant in town? You may want to reconsider – around 82% of singles prefer something a little more casual. Turns out, a relaxed coffee is far better for a first date, which is great news for those of us who have ever sat through a slap-up three-course meal with a really dull first date (trying not to use your cheese soufflé as a pillow proves very hard when listening to someone wax lyrical about all the different types of trees for two hours). This way, it’s one flat white and you’re out of there.

If you’re trying to think of other great first date ideas, maybe veto inviting any potential partners to your family’s Sunday roast – 81% of singles said meeting the parents would be the worst first date ever. While it might feel totally normal for you to hang out with your ‘rents at the weekend, just think of your Tinder date – trying to eat roast potatoes whilst your dad’s giving him the stink eye is unlikely to lead to date number two.

2. Taking A Selfie

If you’re umming and ahhing over whether to pack your selfie stick in your overnight bag for a date, let us make it clear – if you whack out that monstrosity during your dinner, there’s going to be absolutely no need for an overnight bag. Taking selfies was high up there on the list of big first date no-nos for one in four British men – it was even considered worse than not offering to split the bill. Because really, there’s no need to snap a mid-date selfie for the ‘gram, and we doubt your date wants to be featured on your Instagram Stories. Just enjoy your drinks and have a chat, before your date runs out the door mid-boomerang.

3. Adding Your Date On Facebook

Have an overwhelming urge to add your date on Facebook whilst they’re in the bathroom? Maybe hold off on sending that friend request. Nearly 21% of singles said they would be put off agreeing to a second date with someone who immediately added them on social media. But it turns out a surprising amount of people do just that – according to a survey by dating site What’s Your Price, 42% of people followed or friended their date on social media immediately after their first meeting. As in, they were in the taxi on the way home from the restaurant. Unsurprisingly, they also found that 42% of people who did this ended up having a relationship that lasted less than a month. Impatience is not a virtue, people.

4. Not Talking Enough

We all fear being the rambling mess who hijacks every conversation on a first date, but it transpires that 76% of singles would rather their date spoke too much than too little when they first meet. Which might be a little tough if you both consider yourselves the ‘good listener’ type. In case you’re feeling nervous about keeping the convo going, EliteSingles has a few top-notch first date conversation starters, such as “What’s your most valuable possession?”, “What’s your biggest passion?” and “What toppings are needed to create the perfect burger?”. That’s right – get those big, important questions out of the way first.

5. Being Rude To The Waiter

You could be the most charming person in the world, but click your fingers at a waiter and you’re immediately unattractive in the eyes of most. High up the list of dating don’ts was being rude to other people. We’ve all received the wrong drink order before, but flipping out over it? Your date will be hailing a taxi before you’ve even asked to speak to the manager. And it’s not just being rude to staff – rudeness in general was voted the worst personality trait in a potential love interest by 81% of people in a dating survey by the Institute of Advanced Motorists. So next time you can’t be bothered to hold the restaurant door open, just know you might be waiting for that second date text for a while.

6. Constantly Checking Your Phone

You have all day to check your emails, scan your Facebook feed, WhatsApp your mates, swipe through Tinder… Don’t do it whilst you’re waiting for your main course. First dates are already stomach-churning experiences without the prospect of battling against a smartphone for attention. If you desperately need to answer a phone call in the middle of dinner then at least let your date know who it is – a courteous “It’s my mum” and a comedy eyeroll is probably the best you can do in that situation. Just make sure you don’t start gossiping about your date to your ma whilst they’re still there.

7. Getting Too Drunk

When it comes to first dates, there’s nothing wrong with a bit of Dutch courage. According to a survey by Plenty of Fish, 36% of us will have a drink before even leaving the house and 49% of singles will drink moderately on a date – only a brave 9.2% of us will brave the risk of awkward conversation and go stone-cold sober. But there’s a difference between having a glass to relax yourself and strawpedoing a bottle of Barefoot before your taxi arrives. Being the most drunk person in any situation isn’t ideal, but it could leave your date ghosting you for the rest of eternity.

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