Beauty 101: How To Treat Cracked Heels & Dry Feet

Beauty 101: How To Treat Cracked Heels & Dry Feet

Even if it’s just you seeing them, now’s the time to give your feet some attention. And if cracked heels and dry feet are an issue, the good news is help is at hand. Foot expert and podiatrist Margaret Dabbs is here to explain all…

Causes Are Multiple

Thickened (callus) skin on the feet is caused by a number of issues. Dehydration is partially responsible, as it can lead to deep cracks in the skin, which then becomes fine, flaky and hardened as a result. This can also be exacerbated by walking on hard surfaces (or with hard sandals) that have little resistance – it’s why we see feet harden and feel rougher in the summer. Regular use of my Margaret Dabbs London cracked heel treatment balm, a sumptuous natural treatment foot balm is efficacious in relieving and repairing dry, cracked heels and itchy inflamed skin.

Key Ingredients Will Help

Anti-bacterial ingredients like pure oregano and Manuka tree oils are great for soothing dry areas, but also for preventing inflammation. The same goes for salicylic and benzoic acids, which actually target infection and remove dead skin cells. Seek out products containing cocoa and shea butters – these ingredients will leave feet feeling instantly hydrated, soft and smooth, and you can find them all in my heel treatment balm.

Skin Should Be Filed Carefully

Always foot file dry – wet skin masks the area which needs treating and can cause cracks to open as water weakens the tissues. Filing on dry skin is therefore much more effective and yields longer lasting results. As for nails, always use a crystal file for buffing and shape – simple to use, it lasts forever, is hygienic and helps to promote healthy growth of the nail, as well as cleverly sealing the tip to prevent further breakage.

Foot-Focused Products Are Best 

After foot filing and exfoliating, make sure you’re using dedicated foot products – body moisturisers won’t work, as the skin on the feet is 12 times thicker than the rest of the body. For a full treatment, use a dry foot oil first. This will act as a great base before following with a foot lotion. Don’t underestimate the benefit of a foot scrub, either. These are essential for bringing dull, dry skin back to life, and can reach areas the file can’t touch.

Treatment Should Be Consistent

Getting rid of dry feet and cracked heels simply comes down to using the right products in the right way – just like you would with your skincare. In terms of order, it should start with exfoliation, followed by an oil, sealed with a lotion. Be sure to stick to a routine like this every day – skin likes monotony and it’s the only way to properly keep hard skin at bay and ensure it stays soft for the foreseeable.
 Shop Our Edit Of The Best Foot Care Buys Below…

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