Your February Horoscope

Your February Horoscope

From relationships to career goals, find out what this month has in store for you with astrologer Fiona Graham’s predictions.
By Fiona Graham /

This February you will gain so much from teamwork and facilitating other people’s projects, yet it’s as important as ever to focus on the things that define your own aspirations too. From the 9th you’ll see how a special relationship is flourishing because of all the love and care. Meanwhile, your determination to put ambitious plans into action will prompt strong reactions in someone else. This may be quite a revelation and – no matter how unexpected – it should be a real boost to your confidence. On the 24th someone’s admiration comes out of the blue; just be sure you are ready for it. You are more in tune with your desires and feelings now, and this will pave the way for a whole lot of fun and passion. You’ll know how much you mean to significant others after doing a little soul searching of your own. 

This is the month for innovative new ideas and acting on them with fantastic results. Yet getting back to basics, and respecting your core values, is vital. With solid foundations, you can fly very high indeed. From the 8th confiding in those you trust is wise, as you’ll gain precious insights into your priorities. After midmonth, tackling overdue domestic issues will be to everyone’s advantage, and you may also learn a long-held family secret. Around the 21st you’ll come up against differences between your and a loved one’s wishes, so tactful negotiation is critical. You may also realise that some of your tastes and priorities are subtly changing; this poses challenges but is a positive for your love life, even if someone’s jealousy sparks fiery exchanges. You will soon know that you have reached a life-transforming turning point. 

Making the most of your creativity is this month’s mission, and it will prove to be indispensable at work and at home. Feeling inspired also impacts positively on your relationships. Soon enough you’ll realise that a special someone has surprises up his or her sleeve, which really appeals to your love of adventure. One-to-one relations have heightened significance and being candid now will heal old wounds. After the 21st the scene is set for new beginnings in numerous areas of life. You will find that emotions run high when surprising developments emerge. A flirtation will work wonders in late February, and one person just can’t resist playing the romantic hero or heroine. Before long you’ll know who appreciates all your qualities and complexities. This may be your chance to reconcile fantasy with reality.

You have probably been asserting yourself more than usual, so now is the time to consolidate your gains and take stock. From as soon as the 3rd, speak out frankly, as others can’t always read between the lines as well as you. Some intriguing invitations will be coming your way too. Around the 13th your openness will draw others to you but beware of giving too much to those who may not actually deserve it. Fresh information gleaned after the 21st will reveal what a relationship can genuinely offer. You are in a go-getting – even feisty – frame of mind yet you also crave intimacy, which is a recipe for sweet loving and fireworks. Potential lovers are drawn to you like moths to the flame and by the 28th, if you keep a cool head when making decisions, your investment in love will pay high dividends.

You can take your rightful place at centre stage. Seize those excellent opportunities when they arise from the start of the month. You clearly have many responsibilities to juggle, but your renewed energy and focus will go a very long way. Try not to let work concerns take over when there is so much you want to do personally. Take the time to prioritise and a dream scheme is more likely to materialise, sooner than you think. After the 16th, someone you respect is going to amaze you and late February promises exciting new possibilities in love, or hot developments in an ongoing relationship. Almost anything will be possible if you overcome any reluctance to confront other people when it’s necessary. This is the time for taking emotional risks and for taking an ally’s honesty in your stride too. 

Events unfolding behind the scenes make more sense to you than to most people. Your insights should give you a confidence boost personally and professionally. As soon as the 7th you’ll notice tell-tale signs of emotional intensity and undeniable sexual chemistry, perhaps where least expected. You’ll also need to figure out someone’s level of commitment to decide if they deserve your attention and your trust. By the 20th, one key relationship will reveal its true nature – for better or for worse. New developments add sparkle to everyday life, and it may be time to break a few old rules. A little speculation will work in your favour and it’s also wise to listen to someone’s radical views about a personal issue. After the 26th focusing on the things that matter most to you will lead to success and self-fulfilment.

From early February you’ll show you mean business at work and at play. Now that you see your objectives more clearly, it’s time to welcome the chance to focus on your most important relationships. It’s also the ideal time to make fun plans for later in the year – having things to look forward to is a tonic. Meanwhile, by the 15th someone’s sultry appeal has the power to grab your immediate attention but be sure to do your research. Only take seriously those promises you can trust. From the 19th, declarations may well be genuinely romantic, paving the way for new levels of intimacy. You’ll discover there is plenty of entertainment on offer too, whatever else is going on. You will need to do some mind reading to assess certain people’s motives, and mutual respect will lead to your favourite kind of adventure.

You are motivated to take charge of your destiny and follow through on recent decisions. In early February there can be no doubt that you are poised for action yet try to be patient with those who move at a slower pace.  Managing your commitments at work and at home will be both challenging and rewarding. An imaginative friend may offer up rather idealised versions of the facts and your role is to be the voice of reason. Yet you understand how a creative approach feeds your soul too, so you need to remain open-minded. Having fun from the 20th is surprisingly constructive especially for long-term relationships. People will amaze you time and again, and someone else’s commitment to you is impressive. It’s time for you to take a leap in the dark and to place your faith in the outcome.

Confidence and optimism are essential ingredients for a fabulous February. It’s time to broaden your horizons as this will pay off throughout 2023. You may be considering a major life change or perhaps big travel plans, which will benefit you and others. Stimulation is vital for you to enjoy life to the full, and from midmonth your closest relationships will thrive on an element of mystery. With changes afoot, clear communication matters more than ever. Around the 25th, flirtatious encounters are fun, while a searching conversation with a wise soul helps you conquer old demons. And, if you are strategic, you’ll help someone else avoid getting too carried away. Yet being swept off your feet is also possible. Losing yourself in another person is magical, but always be aware of maintaining boundaries.

Harmony at home may well be on your wish list this month. From as soon as the 5th this will involve sharing your hopes, dreams and fears with those you know you can trust. At the same time, embracing a little speculation will give you just the boost you need. So have no fear of apparent uncertainty and trust the outcome. Relationships will go from strength to strength with constructive and empathetic communication. Control any urge to be negative when others are inspired by grand ideas, especially around the 21st. In your personal life you can anticipate new possibilities or re-ignite the spark with an old flame. It is also time to shed fresh light on someone else’s secrets, with positive repercussions. Being more in tune with loved ones will help you reach a clearer understanding of your own goals and desires. 

February requires rolling with unexpected events and appreciating the benefits. New developments in your personal life will finally help you settle some old scores too. By the 10th, expressing yourself freely rejuvenates relationships and a shakeup will be a positive thing.  Communication at work may pose challenges yet also contains hidden treasures if you seek them out. From the 20th, your honesty will inspire the perfect response from someone significant. There is a lot to learn now, and abandoning old assumptions is key to success. Love is all around you and you’ll lap up other people’s admiration and respect. However, there are some misunderstandings to resolve. By the 28th a partnership’s true strength will start to emerge and revelations demand that you keep an open mind and heart.

This February you can be your most compassionate version of yourself. It’s no time to try to control outcomes or to overreact when someone else does things differently. A perfect combination of love and mutual trust will go very far indeed. Yet at times life can seem a bit like a battle-zone. Around the 15th, a tug of love may get tense yet could lead to a breakthrough in understanding, which is revealing at the very least. In a sense you are reinventing relationships as well as realising how your own needs and desires are changing. By the 24th, recent bold steps should benefit multiple areas of life. Before long you’ll be much surer of your ground and can tackle any on-going commitment issues. Sensitive exchanges with others will make a real difference and will deepen your understanding of what you really need.

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