Your August Horoscope

Your August Horoscope

From relationships to career goals, find out what this month has in store for you with astrologer Fiona Graham’s predictions.
By Fiona Graham /

This month you have every reason to feel needed and special; lap up the attention and make the most of the confidence boost too. Yet this is no time to engage with other people at a superficial level, as you’ll soon realise the most profound relationships are the ones that make a real difference. In a complex dynamic at work, be aware that words could do more damage than you would ever intend – diplomacy is your best calling card. After the 15th apparently innocent chat with friends may cause confusion in a romance, so try not to get caught in a web of mixed messages. Socialising in late August may even lead to re-evaluating long established plans, and you’ll have a great deal to mull over when you finally allow yourself some precious me-time.


It is becoming clear that you are on top of your game this summer. From the 3rd you may even feel you have a renewed sense of purpose. It’s time to seize the day when someone makes an intriguing offer. Try not to miss out on new developments, as the initial signs are super subtle. By midmonth you will be faced by financial decisions that cannot be delayed, and a thorough approach may well strike gold. After the 21st some expert advice will be inspirational yet might confuse a loved one. Clear communication is essential to stay on track. There may be fiery exchanges, but passions will also rise in a fun and creative way. It’s time to communicate your goals, and your concerns. Undoubtedly others will respect you, whatever your differences may be.  


This August you can anticipate a journey that will be a whole lot more than a pleasure trip. This is the time to open your mind to unknown horizons. You are poised to draw on your personal strengths to maximise new opportunities as they arise. From the 10th you may need to put someone straight regarding an ongoing personal dilemma, yet it’s wise to avoid stirring things up at home. By the 18th you’ll thrive on the signs of approval from high places, even though thorough investigation is needed to understand all the fresh information. Your plans – in more than one area of life – are likely to provoke heated discussion, which is in fact highly productive. By late August you’ll know how to make strategic moves towards the very best results you could hope for. 


Embracing a much bigger picture in terms of your prospects will have major advantages. Talents and resources you tend to underestimate in yourself will come into play. Now is the time to accept and own them. You can be sure that loved ones and allies will help keep you on course in the most positive way. By the 16th you should have faith in your abilities, as the investment of talents and resources will already show signs of paying off. Meanwhile try to accept that some disagreement can be healthy and at times essential to progress, however awkward it feels. This summer upheaval will arise in one way or another and must be taken in your stride. Your success and well-being require a long-term approach, and the important thing is to have faith.


The secret to August’s success is to avoid over-complicating scenarios as they play out. If you opt for the simplest solutions to problems you face, you really won’t need to move heaven and earth. Meanwhile, your key relationships will increase in significance and emotional depth with all kinds of sultry possibilities too. You’ll finally realise how a friend possesses hidden talents, which now you can fully appreciate. From the 21st, your most impressive results involve brand new ideas which will help you shape existing plans. A wise soul will help you steer clear of misleading advice, however appealing it might first seem. By the 29th you’ll understand what a loved-one is really thinking, and this helps you both move forward when it matters.

This month brings opportunities to improve your day-to-day life, which also boosts your vitality and well-being. From the 7th you’ll realise that you are admired and respected more than you had realised, which can only help you on your way. Others are reaching out to you in various areas of life, and this will have stunning repercussions.  After the 14th you’ll know all there is to know about attracting others. However, any unusual moves on your part could provoke strong reactions. Do your best to avoid pressing the wrong buttons. By late August you’ll be ready to rethink some old goals and, perhaps more importantly, you’ll gain insight into a worthwhile scheme that has ambitious potential.  It looks like a dream could become a reality.


Respecting other people’s opinions will produce a much deeper understanding of all the options open to you. From early August someone is determined to make you feel unique, and this should not be underestimated. If you listen to what he or she is saying to you, this may transform all kinds of future possibilities. However, a mysterious conversation around the 15th could disguise one person’s true intentions, which potentially makes you feel a little disorientated. But you will figure out how to interpret this and reach a brilliant outcome. After the 22nd it’s wise to accept that a strategic approach is going to be the most effective at work and personally. In multiple ways you will have your chance to show how creative and effective you truly are. 


This August you may feel over-faced by the expectations placed on you, yet you are more than equal to achieving extraordinary results. Most importantly you need to take things in your stride whenever possible. With a little re-evaluation you’ll know what your priorities are and will feel ready to tackle the important stuff. Support from people with your interests at heart will lift your spirits and inspire you onwards. A loyal fan is clearly on your side and can help you fathom out practical obstacles too. By the 18th, your focus and determination will mean that the fun times can roll, so enjoy it. There will be more riddles to solve, and an intricate romantic dilemma is something of an enigma. With time and patience, you will have all the answers you need.


Your hottest entertainment plans for this summer will be popular with everyone. However, from the 8th you can expect some intense moments in your one-to-one dealings; and this is the time to keep your cool. Your inspirational thinking will have a powerful impact on so many areas of life; it plays a very special part in a relationship which is becoming increasingly important to you. After midmonth ongoing tensions at home will ease up, although one dream scheme for the future needs careful navigation to keep it afloat. Feeling conflicted over home and work priorities is always tricky, but you’ll seek and find the unique solutions you need. Collaborating with someone on the 23rd is a great omen for negotiating a big deal later on.


This summer illustrates how a positive state of mind works miracles, especially in banishing futile fears. From the 7th your attitude towards your career may well start changing, perhaps dramatically. You are likely to feel richer on multiple levels. Have no doubt that your most radical ideas will impress those who matter, so make the most of your dynamic approach. And be sure to nurture early signs of progress. Meanwhile, a heated disagreement midmonth will add spice to the proceedings – and this can be a positive thing. After the 20th you’ll want to get involved in an intriguing new project, and suddenly you’ll know exactly which strategy can achieve the best result. It won’t be long before you demonstrate that you are on winning form.

This August the heat is on in relationships, and by the 5th expressing strong feelings will attract the required response. It may even be the perfect recipe for passion. However, make sure you are ready for an emotional rollercoaster ride. This is also the right time to take creative risks; yet remain aware of how somebody tends to exaggerate reality – you’ll need to continue to be the voice of reason. Then around the 18th a financial dilemma may require you to abandon advice that used to seem sound. Due diligence will pay off in all kinds of ways throughout this summer, but it’s also time to create space for play. Don’t be shy to ask for what you want from someone special, and you may find the outcome surpasses the most romantic of fantasies.

Getting to grips with fresh information, and shedding light on well-guarded secrets, are going to be big themes from early August. This will have a positive, healing influence on your personal life. Keep an open mind when it comes to making bold new plans, no matter how hectic things get both at work and socially. After midmonth you’ll receive all kinds of help and encouragement, although a sharp exchange of words with someone close could catch you off guard. It seems that rebellious attitudes just need breathing space right now; ultimately this will get positive results. You won’t regret all the effort you are making, especially as timing is the key to your success. By late August your clever manoeuvring will prove ideal when it comes to managing a fascinating new twist in the plot.

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