Your August Horoscope

Your August Horoscope

For July's horoscope instalment, we've teamed up with Viktor & Rolf to celebrate the release of its new Good Fortune fragrance. Inspired by feelings of positivity, it's full of warming and uplifting notes like vanilla, jasmine and fennel. Find out more about the fragrance below, and discover what's in store for you this month with astrologer Fiona Graham's predictions ⁠– from relationships to career goals...

Created in partnership with Viktor & Rolf

Try not to let imaginary obstacles stand in your way. Now is the time to make your own impact when it comes to collective goals as well as individual ones. By the 8th you’ll feel ready to tackle a personal challenge, which works wonders for your self-esteem. Enjoy your spot in the limelight, especially with friends and allies. And a romantic incident is likely to mean more than appearances may suggest. By the 17th some behind-the scenes schemes are out in the open, and you’ll be amazed by how much this means to you. It seems that others really want your guidance, which will have huge benefits for them, and for you too. A favourite dream may well become a reality but be mindful of getting dragged into pointless power games.

Re-examining some of your goals and figuring out their potential impact on others plays a key role this August. Friends will offer you advice, which is both logical and sober - this might not seem inspiring at first but will prove to be worth its weight in gold. Around the 11th a dreamer close to home may attempt to distract you when you are motivated to go for what you know is achievable. Increasingly this summer you can expect moments of truth for your top ambitions and for the personal dilemmas you need to resolve. As new factors emerge, you’ll instinctively know how to respond. From the 26th, energy spent on people and communication is super-creative. A complex friendship also comes up trumps, but don’t let unfamiliar emotions overwhelm you.

Some speculation in your personal life will have a miraculous way of working to your advantage. At the same time an ambitious target is well worth striving for. After the 8th you may feel you are being tested at various levels, but the long-term rewards will surpass all expectations. Make sure you seize the day when it comes. By midmonth you will need to scrutinise a seductive, if rather vague, offer to ensure you don’t waste precious time. The 22nd brings revelations concerning both the present and the future, so you’ll now be on track to take the necessary steps to pursue your goals. You will show you are a force to be reckoned with. Believe in yourself, and that you can succeed, yet also take care not to gloss over apparently insignificant details.

Rethinking everyday activities, especially those involving health and fitness, will have impressive benefits on many levels. At the same time an attractive vision for the future hits the spot as early as the 5th. However, you will be expected to dig in for the long-term to win the prize you really want. In the meantime, a rather murky financial arrangement may require looking at in the cold light of day. Now is the time to start maximising the results of earlier investments of energy or cash, which could hold surprises for you as well as other people. By the 23rd it’s clear that determination and confidence are a magical mix. You are set to navigate your own way forward and must stay on alert for someone whose views could potentially be misleading.

Your positive attitude and generosity will lead to the most valuable achievements. So, focus as much as possible on the goals that really matter, as the rewards will more than justify all your earlier efforts. Relationships of all kinds will flourish with the imaginative approach which is your trademark. However, around the 16th avoid accidentally upsetting one of your most loyal admirers. Significant insights you gain now will shed fresh light on your priorities – and as these become clearer, you may feel quite differently about yourself, including some long-held ambitions. The secret to August’s success lies in being true to yourself. It will become increasingly obvious that self-awareness is a gift, and that it would be unwise to loosen your grip on reality.

Your interactions across the board are in the spotlight now. So, make the most of these. One relationship poses a range of challenges, and there may be a ‘no pain no gain’ element; yet dilemmas about commitment can be addressed and solved relatively quickly. Be as alert as possible and then you’ll fully appreciate someone’s subtle charms. You will also have the feeling that another person’s hidden motives are impacting on routine matters, but for now you can only watch and wait, as this will pay off. After the 24th well-expressed ideas are gold-dust and intimate liaisons will take an intriguing turn. However, lovers’ disputes could shake things up unnecessarily… Other people offer wisdom and inspiration, and it may well be make-or-break time in love.

This is the month when just a little creative thinking will make a big difference in all areas of life. You’ll find you are more appreciated than you realise by both friends and colleagues; even if sometimes you find it tricky to attain your own high standards. Praise you receive midmonth should be sweet indeed and act as inspiration to aim even higher. There will be plenty of fun on offer too, although watch out for the friend who loves trying to lead you astray. The Bank Holiday weekend will produce useful insights into how to balance love and friendship, and later this should be helpful when it comes to issues at work too. You’ll find that you enjoy the increased attention more than you might like to admit, but one or two temptations could prove to be a step too far.

Your sense of identity, in terms of your past as well as present circumstances, will have extra special significance. Rest assured you are admired when and how it matters, yet some tough love may be necessary to make progress with someone special. Around the 12th you’ll see how this could be the key to the happy outcome you dream of. However, don’t let personal issues distract you too much from your goals, especially after the 18th. Feeling torn between public and private affairs needs to be resolved and may lead to a few home-truths. You will shine bright but beware of petty jealousies arising unexpectedly. It’s vital to stay focussed on the spirit of adventure. Truths will be revealed about a relationship if you are in tune with your priorities.

This August you can count on your enthusiasm, and your ability to win over a whole range of personalities. At the same time, the stability you secretly crave is closer than you think. Those you may take for granted could come up with the most exciting solutions. It’s time to show someone how much you value them. And from the 15th, aim to keep your grander schemes as realistic as possible. Fresh revelations that influence your choices and decisions are also likely. It will be all action at home too, and constructive confrontation will transform significant relationships. Take every opportunity to build firmer foundations, as improvements made now will be built to last. Just beware of getting swept away by another person’s somewhat excessive self-belief.

Your grasp of personal priorities should be especially strong, which includes practical and emotional issues. As early as the 3rd, straight talking is extremely effective if you express yourself with a combination of clarity and compassion. By midmonth you’ll start to see how a favourite scheme has all the potential for success. Around the 18th, the spotlight is likely to fall on your finances, and you’ll see how you need to navigate another person’s rather careless attitude. When it comes to your talents and assets, now is the time to feel confident about taking risks. Someone has faith in you this August, so don’t put off your more courageous plans. It’s time to give shape to brand new ideas, and to ensure that outgrown insecurities can’t get in your way.

This August you’ll make your presence felt and find that you impress all kinds of people with even less effort than usual. Yet however confident and forward-thinking you are, it also pays to be clear headed and serious about cash as well as other nitty-gritty issues. You are more than capable of sidestepping potential pitfalls on the way. After midmonth some interactions have the power to whisk you off into the realm of fantasy, so only go as far as feels comfortable. After the 19th new romantic developments will unfold and emotions may run high, yet at last you’ll know exactly what you are dealing with. Understanding someone else’s truth could be addictively erotic. Get set to live the dream and yet be on alert for signs of a rude awakening.

Your fine intuition and ability to empathise with other people’s problems will be truly impressive this month. From early on you should realise you are in a strong position, so be prepared to stand your ground even if some people find this hard to take. Personal revelations need not upset the balance either at work or socially, and there is so much to gain in terms of self-fulfilment. A sense of achievement boosts your sex appeal and others are bound to respond. Around the 22nd, the need to fight your own corner risks setting off a few fireworks, but all you really need to do is stay determined. Much is working in your favour and in various ways others are watching you with fascination. But don’t let anyone have the slightest chance of sabotaging your efforts.


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