What It’s Really Like To Be A Cam Girl

What It’s Really Like To Be A Cam Girl

For those of us who dream of getting out from behind our desks and working on a more flexible schedule, becoming a cam girl is probably low on our job possibilities. But cam girl service Off The Record is working hard to dispel the myths around cam work. From the stigma they face to the perks of being your own boss, Amber Kelly, who works for OTR, tells SL what it’s really like to be a cam girl.

What actually is camming and how did you get into camming? 

I was introduced to camming by a friend who was doing it part time. She told me the money was amazing, but it still took six months for me to be convinced! I was worried my family would find out, but as soon as I started I didn't look back. 

Do you do camming full-time? 

I do cam full-time, but I earn the same amount of money as a typical full-time job much more quickly, so it's arguably more part-time than you would think. 

What does your day as a cam girl look like? 

I'm a great believer in the early bird catches the worm. I start my day on cam at 5am and I'm usually finished by 10am. Then I head to the gym, have lunch and live my life ready to start the following day. 

Are you yourself when you're camming or do you take on a role? 

It really depends on the viewer and what they like. Personally, I do best being myself. Viewers feel they have a connection with me, and it makes cam life much more fun. 

Do your family and friends know? 

My family do not know and I plan on never telling them – they're very conservative and religious. This isn't something they'd ever understand or approve of. However, a select few friends know. They are always intrigued, they love the stories camming provides, because every day is so different! 

Do you face a lot of stigma as a cam girl? 

The only people who would really pass a negative judgement are my family, and seeing as they don't know, I needn't worry. Outside of that, most people I tell are intrigued by my career. I have actually referred a lot of people to Off the Record through open, honest conversations! I have certainly changed any negative views I had to positive ones [since becoming a cam girl]. 

Do you have to go through any training to become a cam girl? 

There is a fair amount to learn in terms of profile development and getting yourself in front of the right people. The best cam girls are the ones who are truly themselves and connect well with their audience – this has to come naturally, it’s not something that can be taught. Essentially, if you are yourself then you'll do well. 

Are you your own boss? How does that feel? 

I am my own boss. I decide what hours I do, what days I work, who I talk to, what I talk about. I make money for myself and no one else. It's so empowering, I am truly the most content I have ever been and I have no one to answer to but myself. I can be as successful as I want to be – the only person standing in my way is myself. 

Why do you think camming is so popular? 

For the viewer, it's a way of connecting with someone without having to leave your home. You get real life interaction and whatever experience you're looking for, you can find on webcam. 

For a cam girl, it's a chance to design your own future. From the comfort of your own home, without starting on £18,000 a year or working 12-hour days with a painful commute, you can go straight into earning £60,000 a year. No experience is required, you just need a good support system, time and drive... that's all it takes. 

Is it easy to have a partner as a cam girl? Do you face a lot of jealousy when it comes to being in a relationship? 

I have a partner and he has never had an issue with camming, he knows what it is for me and he really can't argue with the money I make in such little time! However, I know it can be an issue for some men. It depends on what stage you are in your life – I totally get why partners would feel jealous. 

Do you think camming is a safer option than other sex work? 

Definitely. You are safely tucked away in your own home, away from anyone's touch; who you are, where you live and anything else 'real' about you is completely hidden. 

It's really important to have a good support network around you too, so you have people to discuss your fears or concerns with at any time. Off the Record have been that for me; they make me feel safe and looked after. 

What do you most want people do know about being a cam girl? 

I own my time, I live my life entirely on my own terms and with the amazing support network of girls. I've found camming to be the most rewarding, fulfilling job I've ever had. I no longer have anxiety and my confidence levels have increased. 

The most important thing I want people to know is how empowered I feel. I am in control of every little thing I do, if I don't like something I will end it. I only ever do things that I enjoy, or that make me happy. I'm safe and I have fun – what more could I ask for in life? 

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