The Weight Loss Programme The A-List Swears By

The Weight Loss Programme The A-List Swears By

From celebrities to CEOs, actresses to athletes, Louise Parker is the A-list’s secret weapon when it comes to intelligent weight loss. Her eponymous brand, The Parker Practice, promises to transform your mind, body and eating habits, whether you’re looking to lose half a stone or quite a bit more. From why the team believes in a fad-free approach to the importance of mindset, here’s what you need to know…


Louise has first-hand experience of dieting. Louise has always been open about her weight struggles as a teenager – she wasn’t sporty at school, was naturally curvy and lacked confidence.

While she was at university, she started going to the gym a few times a week and became fascinated by the changes she quickly began to notice, prompting her to qualify as a personal trainer. Despite spending hours in the gym every week, Louise spent years yo-yo dieting, losing and gaining the same ten pounds. She ultimately realised she needed to ditch the diet mentality and make bigger changes to her lifestyle, mindset, exercise and nutrition. This is the foundation of the method she’s been honing for the last 20 years. 

It’s a lifestyle, not a diet. Since 2007, Louise and her team of nutritional and fitness experts have been coaching lasting lifestyle and behavioural change, effectively putting an end to the cycle of fad diets. “The average woman has been on 61 diets by the time she’s 45,” says Louise. “It’s an industry that’s built on failure – it’s designed to fail so you keep coming back. Our motto is simple – don’t diet, change,” she stresses. On a mission to prove lasting weight loss needn’t come from slashing calories or carbs, the team advocates a realistic approach to nutrition – think balanced meals that include the right blend of protein, carbs and healthy fats, as well as sensible portion sizes. 

Eat Beautifully
Eat Beautifully
“With expert nutritional lifestyle guidance and personal training, I’ve been able to get steady and consistent weight loss. I feel fit and healthy for the first time in ages.”
Parker Practice Client

There are three options when it comes to Louise’s method. Louise’s cult 1:1 Programme, which has been available for the last 15 years, is a time-tested method backed by science. A bespoke experience, you’ll be assigned your own personal dietitian who will work with you over the course of 12 weeks – after an initial 60-minute consultation, you’ll have a 30 to 45-minute appointment with them on a weekly basis. They’ll teach you how to flex the method for irregular working hours or when on holiday, and how to stay on track when work or family pressures ramp up. 

There’s also the option to enlist the support of a private PT – ideal for those looking to sculpt and tone, as well as lose weight. If you’re looking for a more interactive option, consider the Livestream programme, which gives you dietitian support, plus the encouragement of a small group of people with whom you’ll attend weekly virtual webinars. Meanwhile, the Livestream programme will also give you an in-depth handbook tailored to your weight goals, access to secure online chat forums and a recipe guide tailored to your BMI. Those without an A-list budget can also try a more relaxed version of the method from home, which is detailed in both of Louise’s books. 

Live Well
Live Well
Move Intelligently
Move Intelligently

Parker Practice methods start with a 12-week focus. Whether you choose the 1:1 or Livestream programme, you’ll start your Parker Practice journey with the Transform phase, which lasts for three months. Depending on how much weight you have to lose, you may complete one or multiple rounds to get to your goal. At this stage, you’ll transition into the Lifestyle phase, which focuses on balance and maintenance. No food or drink is off-limits, but the idea is the Transform phase will have changed your habits, giving you the ability to decide whether that burger or glass of wine is ‘worth it’ to you. Once you’re in this phase, you’ll still check in with your dietitian, but less often, ideally quarterly in the initial year after your programme.

It’s the secret to permanent fat loss. The programmes are designed for anyone wanting to lose weight: busy mums, fitness fanatics and everyone in between. Stick to the method and the results are impressive – on average, Louise’s clients lose 0.9kg (typically around 1% of your bodyweight) within the first 12 weeks. While there are no guarantees, in 2019, 94% of Parker Practice clients on the Transform 12-week programme lost weight and 78% of them lost more than 5% of their body weight.

Think Successfully
Think Successfully
“What’s made this programme so useful isn’t just the quick-fix weight loss but a longer-term resetting of entrenched habits of distorted thinking, reacting, comforting myself with food.”
Parker Practice Client

Expect a kind approach. Louise understands how traditional weight-loss plans can be become an emotional rollercoaster, leaving you drained of energy and sapped of confidence. Which is why she’s always treated her clients not as hardcore gym bunnies, but as normal people with the same hang-ups and negative thoughts we can all relate to. 

You’re in safe hands. To date, over 18,000 people in more than 47 countries have completed the Louise Parker Method. The practice is built on the strong foundations of expert registered dietitians and personal trainers, supported by a network of psychological therapists, behavioural coaches and other medical specialists. Whether you’re trying to lose weight for the first time or have spent years struggling with wellbeing willpower, the experts have your back. 

Prices for the 1:1 Programme, including 12 weeks of individual consultations, start at £2,800. Prices for the Livestream Programme start from £499. For more information visit and follow @LouiseParkerMethod and @TheParkerPractice on Instagram.

DISCLAIMER: Features published by SheerLuxe are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. Always seek the advice of your GP or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programme.

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