Orange & Raspberry Cake

Orange & Raspberry Cake

This wonderful cake is based on Diana Henry’s recipe but she uses ingredients I can’t find in rural French supermarkets. It keeps well for a day or two, although in our house it never has the chance. I have used both raspberry and peach juice with equal success and I always decorate the cake with whichever fruit I have chosen for the syrup.
Total Time
1 Hour
50g of fine white breadcrumbs
100g of ground almonds
175g of soft light brown sugar
2 tsp of baking powder
zest of 1 ½ oranges
215ml of light olive oil
4 eggs, beaten
raspberries or peaches, to decorate
juice of 1 orange
100ml of pure raspberry or peach juice
3 tbsp of runny honey
Step 1

Grease a 20cm cake tin with a removable base and line it with baking parchment.

Step 2

Mix all the cake ingredients together and pour the batter into the tin. Put it in a cold oven that you then set to 190°C/Fan 170°C/Gas 5.

Step 3

After 40 minutes test the cake with a skewer. If it doesn’t come out clean, leave the cake in the oven for another 5 minutes but no more.

Step 4

While the cake is cooking, make the syrup by boiling down the orange juice, peach or raspberry juice and the honey. You want to have about 100ml of reduced syrup.

Step 5

As soon as the cake is out of the oven, make holes all over it with a skewer and pour the syrup slowly on to it. The cake usually sinks in the middle but by the time you have decorated it with whichever fruit you choose, no one will notice.

Step 6

Serve with crème fraîche.

Recipe Courtsey Recipes From Le Rouzet: An English Cook in France by Cathy Gayner

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