
The SL Team Reviews The Best Detox & Cleanse Packages

If you still haven’t shed those extra pounds Christmas generously gave you, then make time now to get back on track. Whether you’re having trouble making healthy choices, are time-poor or need a helping hand with portion control, SL put eight regimes – from juice cleanses to meal plans – to the test…

Purearth – Rainbow Cleanse 

Rebecca Hull, Health & Beauty Editor 

What is it? The Purearth juice cleanse is aimed at those who want to overhaul their gut and flood the body with some much-needed nutrition. I signed up to the three-day Rainbow Cleanse consisting of a blend of leafy greens, root veggies and a small amount of fruit. The programme is available for as many days as you like, depending on your needs – and stamina. 

What were the juices like? The best bit about these juices is they’re cold-pressed, which is great as they don’t lose any nutrients, so you know you’re getting the best from the drink – you can feel you are too. You also get up to six juices a day and there is a real variety, from green juices to nut milk, which is great for keeping you feeling full. The bottles are also huge (alarmingly so at first), so I felt satisfied throughout the day, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted to reach for the carbs come evening. Three days was definitely my limit. 

What were the results? Weight loss wasn’t part of my agenda but feeling less bloated and lethargic certainly was, and it really did help with both. I also noticed I slept better, and it made me reassess my regular snacking and reliance on sugar. The headaches on day two were proof of the latter, which was weirdly satisfying as I knew the juices were working their detoxifying magic. 

Logistical ease? It’s super easy – your juices are delivered daily and are numbered for ease, so you’ll never end up confused over the order. Another bonus is the cleanse can be tailored for you, so if you hate something, they’ll remove it and suggest an alternative. It’s a very flexible programme.   

Highlight? The size of the bottles – you really do get a decent amount, which left me feeling satisfied. 

Who’s it for? If you’re looking for a quick-fix to reboot an uneasy gut and find your way back to healthier habits, this is absolutely for you. That’s not to say it won’t help anyone looking to form a trimmer waistline, but you’ll need to be prepared to up your plan to five days and over. 

Calorie and nutritional information: The Rainbow Cleanse doesn’t exceed 500 calories per day and is packed full with soothing aloe vera, probiotic kefir and anti-inflammatory turmeric for a major health revamp.   

The Rainbow Cleanse starts at £54.17 per day 

Visit Purearth.co.uk 

Spring Green – Active Protein Programme 

Georgie Coleridge Cole, Founder 

What is it? This programme is designed for people leading an active lifestyle, who need extra protein and calories after working out. Each day you’ll receive breakfast, lunch and dinner, snacks, a daily detox juice - plus a morning ‘Love + Beauty’ tonic, flavoured with hibiscus and rose. 

What was the food like? Unbeatable! At no point did I feel the urge to eat anything else. I didn’t get a single hunger pang in between meals for the duration. Every bit was tasty, fresh, natural and enjoyable to eat. 

What were the results? Better skin, fewer cravings and a flatter stomach in just three days. Plus it left me feeling alert (no sluggish afternoon spells) and extremely satisfied that in three days I hadn't missed sugar, dairy or wheat and had eaten really well – and as a result felt really well. 

Logistical ease? 10/10. It was delivered on time each day and was easily transportable. 

Highlights? Banana protein waffle with coconut yoghurt; egg wrap with spinach and pesto; prawn poke bowl; and lemon chicken with cauliflower puree and black rice. 

Who’s it for? It’s not for someone looking to torture themselves, rather for someone who wants to cut out wheat, dairy and sugar and enjoy their meals, but give their body and mind a reset in a way that's not faddy. It leaves you feeling revitalised, hydrated, lighter and brighter. 

Calorie and nutritional info: The ‘Active’ package is full of plant-based foods including: vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes and superfoods, with the addition of goats cheese and feta, plant milks plus sustainably sourced fish, prawns and free-range lean chicken. Each day is approximately 1,700 calories. 

Choose from three or five-day cleanse, which starts from £36 per day. Weekly bundles are also available and can be paused and restarted, plus you can add an extra dinner for a friend or partner –genius. 

Visit SpringGreen.com 

Balance Box – Classic Lighter Plan 

Samantha Jerram, Commercial Director 

What is it? Balance Box is designed to help you lose weight and eat healthily using only ethically sourced, organic ingredients. Hoping to banish my post-Christmas bloat and feel more energised, I opted for its four-day ‘Classic Lighter' plan. 

What was the food like? I was really surprised at how delicious and varied the food was, to the point it honestly didn't feel like a diet and I looked forward to every meal. Each day there was a balance of meat, fish or vegetarian meals, all beautifully presented in reusable tubs along with a healthy snack bar, a small portion of nuts and a piece of fruit.  

What were the results? I definitely felt lighter by day four and there was no sign of any bloat. I'm now inspired to be more adventurous with my meal prep. I found I was slightly lacking in energy during my early morning HIIT class on day two, so would recommend the 1,800 daily calorie plan if you're very active.  

Logistical ease? Couldn't be easier. All food was delivered direct to my door on day one, and each meal was clearly labelled. 

Highlights? It has to be the oriental beef salad; the zingy Vietnamese chicken and ginger almond coleslaw; and the apricot bircher breakfast pot (all of which I'm going to attempt to recreate).  

Who’s it for? I would recommend it to anyone who wants to get their health back on track, lose a few pounds and remind themselves of portion control and calorie intake.  

Calorie and nutritional info: I opted for the 1,200 calories per day plan, but there is the option of 1,800 daily calories, plus vegetarian, pescatarian and free-from programs.  

Balance Box’s Lighter Plan starts at £22.50 per day 

Visit BalanceBox.co.uk 


Plenish – ‘The Pro’ Level 3 Cleanse 

Mia Luckie, Marketing Manager 

What is it? As a seasoned juicer I went for a serious three-day cleanse - Plenish’s ‘The Pro’ Level 3. It’s the brand’s deepest detox and is aimed at those wanting to enhance their psychological performance and lose weight. 

What was the juice like? Made up of mostly green juices (you’ll drink four of these daily), this cleanse comprises six 500ml bottles a day – quite a lot of juice to consume. It’s all very tasty, but as there’s no food, it’s not for the faint hearted. If you have a problem with green or veg-based smoothies, this one isn’t for you. 

What were the results? Increased energy was the number one result I saw, alongside better focus during the day and a flatter stomach. 

Logistical ease? You probably need to be home or office-based to complete all three days as six x 500ml bottles aren't very portable and you need to drink one every two hours, plus water. All come delivered in one box so you don’t have to wait in every day for delivery. The package also contains a very ethical glass straw, plus a pre- and post-cleanse guide to help you continue the plant-based diet and keep weight off. 

Highlight? I thought I was just going to lose a bit of weight, so was pleasantly surprised to discover I had much more energy and slept better too. It made me feel confident I could do a longer cleanse next time. I also really liked the glass straw – a nice touch. 

Who’s it for? A health-conscious person wanting not only to detox and enhance psychological ability but also lose weight. It’s ideal for someone after quick results, perhaps before an event or holiday. 

Calorie and nutritional info: You get six 500ml juices per day, which works out at 750 calories. This particular cleanse contains the least sugar of all Plenish juices, so it’s good for weight loss. 

A three-day cleanse of six juices per day costs £177. 

Visit Plenish.com

The 5 Day Plan 

Emma Wilson, Assistant to Georgie Coleridge Cole 

What is it? Celebrity nutritionist Rosemary Ferguson's Five Day Plan. On days one and two, you’ll be supplied with nutrient-dense meals and juice. Day three is a mixture of smoothies, soups, juices and shakes, while the final two days comprise nutrient-dense meals. You’ll also get a daily set of supplements. 

What was the food like? The food was delicious. Although the food is slightly sparse, it is filling and – most importantly – incredibly flavoursome. The stand out for me was the 'Start The Day Right' breakfast smoothie made with oats, apple, ginger, cinnamon, spinach and almond milk: it was absolutely delicious and kept me full until lunchtime.  

What were the results? It took a while for me to stop thinking about the food I was missing out on (and get out of my post-Christmas gorging behaviour) however it didn't take long to adapt. I slept so well and felt less tired, which is something I usually battle with.  

Logistical ease? Very easy, everything was supplied and I knew exactly what to eat and when. The delivery was from 7-10pm in the evening (ahead of the day before) which was ideal for me. 

Highlights? The winter vegetable stew was absolutely delicious. I also liked being told to take supplements in the morning and evening, as this is something I'm usually terrible at. 

Who’s it for? It’s for anyone who wants to give their digestive system a break. It's also a great reminder of how easy it can be to make the right choices and include tasty nutritional food and juices in your diet. 

Calorie and nutritional info: The plan cuts out eggs, dairy, alcohol, sugar, caffeine, wheat and deadly nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and aubergine). Alongside the food, juice and shakes, you’ll be given supplements of probiotics, saccharomyces boulardii and 2,000mg of vitamin C to help your gut, digestive system and immune function. 

The plan costs £295 for the full five-day experience. The next plan will run from 5th-9th February. 

Visit The5DayPlan.co.uk 


Pure Package - Weight Loss/Healthy Eating

Astrid Carter, Managing Editor 

What is it? Pure Package is the original London diet delivery company, who, for over a decade have been tailoring programmes catering for a host of different results, whether that’s weight loss or setting better eating habits. Its dishes are varied and packed full of nutritious ingredients that don’t feel faddy – real, honest food with health at the core.

What was the food like? Delicious. At first, I thought there was a lot – a big breakfast, lunch, dinner and two substantial snacks each day – but it’s very well balanced and stopped me from snacking in the office, which is my downfall. Dishes ranged from wild rice and poached fruit bircher for breakfast to Cajun spiced chicken with black bean salsa for lunch.

What were the results? I tried the diet for three days which in all honesty is not going to have a huge impact. However, post-Christmas it has inspired me to plan my meals more and ensure I’m getting a range of ingredients throughout the day. I didn’t snack once on the programme, felt full after every meal and never felt bloated or like I’d eaten too much.

Logistical ease? After my first delivery was stolen from outside the SL office (yes really!), the team at Pure Package could not have been more helpful. They couriered new food the same day and extended my plan for a further day. We also agreed on a better place for them to drop my delivery as it arrives early in the morning, ready for when you get up. All deliveries came with a menu and clear instructions on heating, ingredients, etc.

Highlight? My favourite was the tandoori salmon with greens for supper.

Who’s it for? Each programme is tailored to the individual’s needs and prior to starting you need to fill out a form on your goals and dietary requirements. So, whether it’s weight loss or training support, pre- and post-natal or vegan, there’s really something for all.

Calorie and nutritional info: All of Pure Package’s meals are made from free-range or wild ingredients. You can eliminate certain things from the package (such as dairy or meat): three foods or food groups are included in the price structure and you can exclude up to three. Any more and you’ll be charged an extra £5 a day. My programme came to approximately 1,300 calories per day (it felt more, in a good way), but it can be tailored to your needs. 

A three-day package with Pure Package starts at £39.95 per day

Visit PurePackage.com

PRESS – Fab in Four 

Heather Steele, Lifestyle Editor

What is it? Press’ new four-week, plant-based plan. The 'Fab in Four' package is designed to last for five days a week over a four-week period. The weekends are yours to enjoy, but they recommend sticking to a healthy, wholemeal-based diet to continue the benefits of your cleanse. I tested the plan for the first five-day period.

What was the juice/food like? Even the greenest juice and brownest soup tasted great. Each morning began with a different smoothie, made with either a cold-pressed juice or nut milk, protein powder, a banana and frozen avocado (all provided by Press). Mid-morning I was allowed a 500ml green juice and a ginger or turmeric shot; lunch was soup and a slice of protein bread; in the afternoon I had a protein ball (the pineapple and goji ones were the best); and in the evening I had different soup (the tomato, chilli, coconut and quinoa was my favourite flavour). I’m not a massive carnivore, but I found I didn’t miss meat at all.

What were the results? Perhaps it’s because I’ve been doing the 5:2 diet the last few months, but I found I wasn’t hungry at all over the entirety of my trial – there was a lot more to consume than I expected. It also felt good to fill my body with healthy stuff without having to put any thought into it. I’ve never made a smoothie in my life, but will continue to whizz one up as part of my morning routine as they’re really easy to make, filling and (if I follow Press’ recipes) full of goodness.

Logistical ease? Using the calorie calculator online, you can work out which of the five packages is for you – as I wanted to lose a bit of weight, I went for the lowest option at 1,250 calories a day. The team delivered the whole week’s worth of food on a Friday night, so I didn’t have to hang around for a delivery every day. I was also given a cool bag – great for lugging my bottles home on the train.

Highlights? I saved loads of time on meal planning, food shopping and cooking. On day one I also received a Breville blender for whipping up my morning shakes and a t-shirt saying ‘Hangry’, alongside my weekly selection of food. Handy.

Who’s it for? If you’re looking for weight loss, more energy or fancy trying a plant-based diet for the first time, this cleanse has got you covered.

Calorie and nutritional info: My package was 100% plant-based and came in at 1,250 calories a day.

The Fab in Four plan starts at £150 a week

Visit Press-London.co.uk

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