The Non-Surgical Facelift Treatment To Know

The Non-Surgical Facelift Treatment To Know

Interest in non-invasive procedures is at an all-time high, as many of us seek to make subtle improvements to our complexion without looking overdone. Endolift – one such example – uses a laser as thin as a hair to tighten, brighten and add definition to the skin. Curious to know more? Here’s what it involves…
By Tor West /

What Does The Treatment Do?

Dubbed a ‘non-surgical facelift’, Endolift is performed on the skin’s dermis. As Galyna Selezneva, leading aesthetic doctor, tells us, “It’s a minimally invasive laser procedure which aims to correct skin laxity (i.e. loose skin) as well as addressing any excess fat on the face, such as a double chin, helping to contour the jawline.” Aesthetics expert Dr Nina Bal agrees that the fat-melting properties of Endolift make it the ideal procedure if you’re looking to add definition. “Endolift is particularly popular with my clients who notice early sagging of the jawline, lower face and areas under the chin. It also has incredible fat melting properties. Applied to the skin’s dermis, it focuses on tightening and melting fat.”

And How Invasive Is It?

Endolift is a minimally invasive procedure, says Galyna. Following a local anaesthetic, a thin, laser-emitting wire (around 0.2mm in diameter) is introduced to the sub-dermal layer of the skin. “The Endolift laser wires are extremely thin, just slightly thinner than a human hair, and these are inserted underneath the skin. Laser energy is then applied through these thin fibres, creating micro tunnels along the way. The idea is that the laser will cause trauma to the skin and therefore boost collagen, all without damaging the outer layer of the skin like other laser treatments.”

Is It Painful?

A local anaesthetic is used, which numbs the areas that are being treated. “Most patients report feeling nothing,” says Nina. “At most, it’s the crackles of their fat melting that’s the worst, and I can assure you it is easy to get past.” The experience is not entirely pain-free, though, says Galyna. “As it’s a minimally invasive procedure (i.e. it’s not non-invasive), there is some pain involved, although there is much less downtime than a surgical procedure. However, there are also treatments with far less downtime available. It ultimately comes down to the results you’re looking for, and their longevity.”

What Is The Downtime Like?

Initially, there’s a 72-hour downtime period with some minor swelling, Nina tells us. “The type of swelling that yes, you will notice, but your loved ones and perhaps work colleagues may struggle to. Sometimes the skin can appear a bit flushed during this period, but that all depends on your individual skin type. The areas I treat with Endolift may feel a bit sensitive or numb for up to six weeks – don’t let this alarm you.” 

Who Is It For?

“The ideal candidates are those noticing early skin laxity over the lower parts of the face,” Nina continues. “With any treatment, a consultation must take place first with the patients’ medical history and aesthetic goals lined out. It’s important in these consultations we address expectations and ensure the treatment is safe and suitable for that individual.” 

Dubbed a ‘non-surgical face lift’, it offers LITTLE DOWNTIME AND LONGER-TERM RESULTS than filler or threads, which is a large part of the appeal.

Can It Be Combined With Other Treatments?

Yes – especially if you are looking to target multiple concerns and see real results. “If you are struggling with excessive skin laxity, poorer skin quality and deeper structural ptosis (otherwise known as skin droop), you may not see the desired results from one treatment or with Endolift alone,” adds Hazim Sadideen, consultant plastic surgeon at The Cadogan Clinic. “In this instance, a combination of treatments can work well together – for example, hyaluronic acid filler and PRP.” Nina is also a fan of pairing Endolift with Profhilo. “Combining these treatments gives you the best non-surgical results, especially given that Profhilo addresses the epidermis – your skin’s top layer – by providing a boost of hydration, and in turn, smoothing the skin. Once the treatment has been completed, a Profhilo top-up four weeks later yields incredible results.”

How Quickly Will You See A Difference?

The earliest results can be soon as soon as four weeks, says Galyna. “The process does continue to work over time, however, with the full results being seen nine to 12 months after the procedure.”

Does It Require Top-Ups?

Depending on your skin prior to the treatment, the experts agree results can last for two to three years. “The treatment can be repeated after a year,” adds Galyna. However, it depends on the results you are after, says Hazim. “In some patients, a top-up or another laser-based device may be recommended to further improve skin quality. All in all, a good amount of time is needed to allow the skin and scarring to settle.”

Why Is It Becoming More Popular?

Dubbed a ‘non-surgical face lift’, it’s no secret it offers little downtime and longer-term results than filler or threads, which is a large part of the appeal, says Nina. “It also works in the deeper layers of skin, which other technology such as Morpheus8 doesn’t offer as it’s a topical treatment. We are certainly seeing a rise in patients looking for treatments that address their lower face, so we expect it to grow in popularity. Initially, these clients may come to us for fillers, but these – as mentioned – are very temporary and in some cases actually make the lower face skin laxity worse. By providing a longer-term option, which doesn’t add volume, but instead tightens the skin’s many layers, it’s bound to become a more popular choice – especially for those serious about skin ageing.”

Anything Else?

As with any aesthetics procedure, it’s imperative to see a qualified expert who has years of experience in conducting the treatment you are interested in – and this is especially the case for Endolift, says Galyna. “All medical aesthetics procedures come with a level of risk. The industry is constantly evolving and new technology emerges on a weekly basis, so it’s hugely important to do your research before having Endolift.” Nina agrees and says it’s also important to have realistic expectations and have a solid skincare routine. “Endolift won’t give you many centimetres of lift, as it's not removing excess skin. Likewise, as with all non-surgical treatments, you should remember the important of a good skincare routine alongside it – this will only improve the overall results.”

The Names To Know...

Dr Nina Bal: Visit

Dr Tapan Patel: Visit 

Dr Sabrina Shah-Desai: Visit

Dr Dev Patel: Visit 

Dr Joney De Souza: Follow @DrJoneyDeSouza 


For more information visit, &

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