My Supplement Shelf: Merran Lusher

My Supplement Shelf: Merran Lusher

Here, we ask industry experts to share the supplements they can’t be without. From the vitamins they rely on for optimal immunity to the minerals they turn to for an energy boost, we’re going behind-the-scenes to discover what keeps these women in peak health.

Merran Lusher is a name to know in the world of holistic health. Triyoga’s resident naturopath and nutritionist, she is one of just a handful of UK-based practitioners offering BodyTalk treatments – a science-based, intuitive mind-body practice that can heal everything from emotional blocks to physical pain. Specialising in mental health, Merran’s client base spans more than 20 countries, and includes everyone from men to teenagers and babies. With a unique east-meets-west approach to wellness, here’s what you’ll find on her supplement shelf… 


Viridian High Five Multi Vitamin Mineral Complex, £22.65
“This is my favourite formula for energy levels and all-round health – the extra dose of B vitamins and magnesium gives you a real boost. Take one to two of these daily, depending on how tired and sluggish you are feeling.”

Available here


Wild Nutrition Food-Grown Daily Multi Nutrient, £32
“I take a multivitamin mineral supplement every day, which provides me with many of the missing minerals I may not be getting through my diet alone. During winter if I forget or run out for a few weeks, I will notice a change in my energy levels or even the first signs of a sore throat – always a great reminder that what I’m taking is working. Vitamins that are ‘active’ or ‘food-sourced’ are keywords to look out for.”

Available here


A Vogel Kelp, £7.50
“This is my latest discovery – kelp is really making a revival. It’s an excellent source of iodine and is packed with vitamins A and K, calcium, zinc and magnesium. It’s the perfect food for a sluggish thyroid. If you’re prone to low energy levels, slow digestion, dry skin and depression, then it could be worth trying. Take two to three tablets daily.”

Available here


Floradix, £12.95
“To support optimal energy levels, I take this for four weeks throughout the year. This is a brilliant liquid iron formulation blended with vitamin C, B complex and various herbs, all of which are designed to boost iron stores and assist with optimal absorption. Take 10ml twice daily, ideally on an empty stomach.”

Available here


Bare Biology Life and Soul, £47.50
“It’s important to supplement with omega-3 fatty acids as we simply don’t get enough through the diet. However, choosing a high-quality brand is a must. Many commercial fish oil brands contain residues of environmental toxins like mercury, but Bare Biology is one to look out for. It’s clean, super strength, independently batch tested, sustainably caught and sourced off the coast of Norway from wild anchovies and sardines. Take two capsules daily.”

Available here


Nutri Advanced MegaMag Night Formula, £25.80
“Sometimes I take magnesium before bed to help me unwind. It has been well researched for its calming effect on muscles and nerves, aiding with relaxation and a good night’s sleep. I take one scoop of this formula in a small glass of water (around 100-250ml) before bed.”

Available here


Pure Encapsulations Magnesium Glycinate, £23.80
“If I am feeling particularly stressed, I’ll take magnesium glycinate to support my nervous system. Studies show this form of magnesium has superior absorption and is brilliant for lowering stress and anxiety, enhancing sleep quality, reducing tiredness and much more.”

Available here


Source Naturals Wellness Formula, From £9.59
“Source Naturals Wellness Formula is my go-to immune support at the first sign of feeling ill. It delivers high-potency vitamin C, plus more than 25 other vitamins, minerals, and time-tested traditional herbs to support immune health. On the whole, I avoid high street supplements, which often contain fillers and binders, instead choosing brands like this which have strong ethical and sustainability values.”

Available here


Nutri Advanced Vitamin D3 Drops, £10.28
“Vitamin D is essential in the functioning of a healthy immune system. The best source is sunshine, but during the winter months opting for a vitamin D3 supplement is a good alternative. For accurate dosing, arrange a vitamin D blood test through your doctor, naturopath or nutritionist.”

Available here


Remedy Kombucha, From £4.46
“I don’t take probiotics religiously, instead preferring to eat prebiotic-rich foods that feed and nourish my gut bacteria. Eating foods that are naturally rich in probiotics, such as kombucha, kefir and kimchi, is also beneficial. With 80% of the immune system located in the gut, a healthy gut is an essential part of our immune defence.”

Available here


Purition Hemp Original, £22.95
“I’m not big on commercial protein powders, but if I feel like my levels need topping up, I’ll add one heaped dessertspoon of organic hemp protein powder to my post-workout green smoothie.”

Available here

To find out more about Merran’s treatment offerings at triyoga Camden see her schedule here. For more information, visit

*DISCLAIMER: Features published by SheerLuxe are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. Always seek the advice of your GP or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programme.​

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