9 Women In Wellness Share Their 2023 Health Goals

9 Women In Wellness Share Their 2023 Health Goals

Whether you want to make this the year you complete your first half marathon, start meditating, spend less time on your phone, or live more sustainably, there’s inspiration you can take from some of the UK’s leading women in wellness. Here are the resolutions they’re setting themselves for the 12 months ahead…
By Tor West /

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Anjali Mahto

Consultant Dermatologist

“Setting goals that are unrealistic or restrictive is never going to work, but over the years I’ve learnt that a resolution also needs to be slightly out of your comfort zone to be valuable. This time last year, I couldn’t do a single pull-up, and the idea of being able to lift my own bodyweight seemed impossible. Consistent training throughout the year with a PT means I can now do them. I feel stronger and fitter than ever, a month away from my 43rd birthday. I qualified as a yoga teacher last year, and want to make this the year I master handstands and arm balances. I’m also determined to reduce the amount of time I spend on social media. Running a clinic and being self-employed means I constantly feel switched on, but I’m acutely aware that it’s not great for my mental health. I plan to keep a good book on hand at all times to keep me from scrolling mindlessly.”

Visit DrAnjaliMahto.co.uk

Lolade Alakija

Nutritional Therapist

“There’s nothing like hard numbers on paper to make your habits stick. A few months ago, I committed myself to understanding my body better through functional testing and using this information to refine my dietary and lifestyle choices. For example, tests revealed I need to support my resilience to stress – I’ll be supporting this with adaptogenic herbs. Fitness wise, I want to take up yoga. I’m looking to improve my flexibility and build my stress resilience, which yoga is great for. I dabbled in it over the summer and enjoyed the combination of breathwork and full body movements which left me feeling strong, calm and in a meditative state that allowed me to deeply connect mind and body. I’m hoping to find a group class to enjoy the joint benefits of community and accountability.”

Visit LoladeHolisticHealth.com

Rhian Stephenson

Nutritionist, Naturopath & Founder Of Artah

“My goal this year is to run an ultramarathon. I’m currently six months post C-section, and while I ran throughout my first pregnancy, the second felt different with a toddler in tow. Having focused on strength work and low-intensity cardio throughout my pregnancy, I plan to get back into running over the next few months, although I’m going to need to get creative with how I can realistically train with two babies and running a business. Sleep is my biggest challenge right now, and while I accept things will fall back into balance once the children get older, I’m determined to be more patient with myself and realistic on the days I feel exhausted. When I can’t get the support I need from sleep or rest, I turn to supplements and will continue to do so.”

Visit Artah.co

Sophie Belle

Breathwork Facilitator & Coach

“Last year, I decided to try and go with the flow more, and to be more present and accepting of the present moment. It takes discipline, even in this ‘flow’ state, but I feel more connected to myself and intuition as a result. This year, I want to focus on nourishing my nervous system so I’m physically and mentally more balanced – breathwork is an amazing way to do this. I also plan to take up running again, which has fallen by the wayside since having children. I will practise nose breathing when running as this is the best way to improve fitness in a way that benefits both mind and body. When it comes to nutrition, I would like to eat a more plant-focused diet. In the last few years, I’ve become much more conscious of my meat consumption and as a result eat more cheese, so I’m hoping I can find more plant-based alternatives. In fact, a plant-based diet feels much more aligned with the energy work I do, so I’m hoping everything will fall into place.”

Visit MindYouClub.com

Laura Dodd

Founder Of The Yoga Class

“This is going to be my year of balance. Between running a business, being a mum and a yoga teacher, I don’t get a lot of time for self-care and am determined to make this happen. I hope to find balance for my mind and body through a morning routine of yoga or gentle mat-based movement or a short meditation. I am keen to start the day on a healthy note too, prioritising protein, fat and fibre, and a cold-pressed green juice. I’m going to be more disciplined about scheduling things, whether it’s work or family related, making sure I strike a balance between rest and time with loved ones.”

Visit TheYogaClass.co

Sarah Jane Watson

Massage Therapist

“Last month, I bought two books by New York Times bestselling author Anthony William – Cleanse To Heal and Life-Changing Foods. After reading about the impact today’s living is having on our physical and mental health, and the reasons why people are suffering from so many chronic conditions, I was resolved to implement his advice. His morning cleanse protocol of drinking lemon water followed by celery juice and his heavy metal detox smoothie has become my daily morning ritual and is staying. When it comes to fitness, my aim is to build strength. I’ve been a ballet dancer for years, and people tend to equate dancers with flexibility, but we also need strength. This year, I want to focus on core and lower body strength to support various ballet exercises, especially when balancing on one leg. Finally, I’m aiming to eat more mindfully, eating slowly, chewing properly and sitting quietly at the table for a couple of minutes before rushing on with the day.”

Visit SarahJWatson.com

Chloe Hodgson

Founder Of Chloe’s Pilates

“I would love to work on not being so hard on myself and being less of a perfectionist. I did a lot of work last year on being more present – Eckhart Tolle’s podcasts helped hugely – but I’m hoping I can do even better this year. One of my main passions in life is making sure my family and I are as strong and healthy as we can possibly be, and this will continue throughout 2023. I also hope to show my two children the importance of healthy eating and staying physically active, so I can instil healthy habits in them for years to come.”

Visit ChloesPilates.com

Pip Black

Co-Founder Of Frame

“This time last year we were still deep in post-pandemic recovery mode for the business – it was a stressful time. I made a promise to myself to prioritise health and happiness – I took up trail running and wild swimming – and feel much more together coming into 2023. I’m also considering signing up for a few adventure races, which for some reason feel less intimidating than a marathon or triathlon. It feels like the time won’t matter so much, it’ll be more about the experience and the scenery. I’m very interested in the connection between the mind and the gut, and want to continue eating plenty of fermented foods. I also need to break my breakfast rut of peanut butter on toast; I want to get back into having eggs and vegetables instead, served with a spoonful of Cultjar ferments. I truly believe that if you start the day off well with movement and a nutritious breakfast, the rest of the day will continue to be positive, and your decision making and state of mind will be all the better for it.”

Visit MoveYourFrame.com

Dalila Salgueiro


“In 2023, I want to practise intuitive eating. I am from Venezuela and only moved to London a couple of years ago. In Venezuela, people are very aligned to the phases of the moon and use the different phases to dictate what we eat. For example, during a full moon, we eat light salads and soups to avoid heaviness in the body, and during a new moon, we eat dishes that will help us regain our energy – the focus is on preparing the body for what’s to come. Since being in London, I’ve fallen out of eating in this cycle and it’s something I want to keep in mind for this year. I also want to buy local and support small vendors and farmers when possible. And don’t stress if you struggle to implement changes in January – the energies surrounding the Chinese New Year and Aquarius season at the beginning of February are the perfect time to make long-lasting changes.”

Visit TheManifestingApp.com

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