4 Ways To Up Your Dental Hygiene

4 Ways To Up Your Dental Hygiene

Studies show that one in three of us regularly forget to brush our teeth, with mouth health coming low on the list of people’s hygiene priorities. With that in mind, we conducted a survey with dental healthcare brand, Regenerate, to help break down exactly what you should be doing, how often and when. The results are in...

1. Do You Brush Your Teeth Before Or After Breakfast, Or Both? 

You Told Us This:
50% of you revealed that you brush your teeth before eating your breakfast, with 42% of you claiming to clean them post-breakfast, while a small, minority at 7% claim to brush both before and after eating.

Here’s What You Should Be Doing:
It’s the debate that has ping-ponged back and forth since the dawn of oral hygiene, but The British Dental Association say you should brush your teeth the last thing at night, and on one other occasion during the day. This can be whenever your preferred preference is and it doesn’t technically matter whether it’s before or after eating. However, if it is the latter, you should always wait an hour before brushing. Acidic food, like fruit and juices, can wear down enamel, so if you’re brushing straight after you’ve consumed them, you’ll start to wear down your teeth, in turn causing damage. It’s also worth noting that when you’re asleep at night and your mouth is inactive, lots of bacteria multiply and attach themselves to your teeth, which then means you’re waking up a mouth that poses a health risk. If you then go downstairs and sip your coffee or tea, you’re actually feeding those bacteria all kind of nutrients and sugars for that bacteria film on your teeth, causing even more damage – not to mention, allowing the plaque on your teeth a surface for coffee and tea to cling to causing stains. With that in mind, brushing your teeth before eating is a favourable option. Try using Regenerate’s Enamel Science Advanced Toothpaste to regenerate enamel mineral* and restore natural whiteness while strengthening teeth against cavities. It's worth incorporating in their Regenerate Enamel Science Boosting Serum too as it boosts the effectiveness of their cult toothpaste by 43%**, maximising the power of enamel mineral regeneration.

*Acts on early invisible stages of enamel erosion by restoring its mineral content and micro hardness with regular use. Clinically proven.
**As demonstrated in a three day in-vitro test measuring enamel hardness: combined use of Advanced Toothpaste and Boosting Serum versus Advanced Toothpaste only.

2. How Often Do You Visit The Dentist? 

You Told Us This:
Every six months was the preferred option for 50% of you, while 42% claim to visit the dentist every year, and a remaining 7% go every three months.

Here’s What You Should Be Doing:
The frequency of dental visits does all depend on the individual themselves. Children are recommended to go at least once a year because their teeth decay faster than adults. Those aged 18 and over, however, have a bit more wiggle room. In fact, NICE (Nation Health Service) claim adults without pain, sensitivity or any other notable issues can wait as long as two years before rescheduling an appointment. That being said, exactly how long you can wait before booking back in to the dentist’s chair will depend on the assessment you and your dentist make on your individual risk – but chances are, you can probably wait a little longer than six months between visits.

3. Are You A Regular Mouthwash User? 

You Told Us This:
22% of you say you rinse with mouthwash daily, while 38% never use it at all. As for the occasional use, 38% claim they sometimes incorporate it into their routines while a meagre 0.47% only ever rinse after eating.

Here’s What You Should Be Doing:
Mouthwash promises to prevent cavities, whiten your teeth, kill germs and take down infections. For the most part, mouthwash does deliver on these promises, but unless you’re specifically told to use one by your dentist, your mouth is probably healthy enough on its own. However, if you notice (or are told) your toothbrush isn’t ridding the build-up of plaque, or you’re someone that’s prone to cavities, it might be worth investing in one and using it three times a week to counteract the problem. The key lies within using it correctly and swishing vigorously as directed on the label. It’s also essential you wait to get the full benefits – so avoid eating, drinking or even smoking for at least 30 minutes post-use to avoid washing away the fluoride. Regenerate’s Advanced Foaming Mouthwash is key for anyone looking to prevent enamel erosion and strengthen their teeth against further decay and damage – the innovative foam technology has an unusual sensation at first, but you’ll soon get used to it and the refreshing, clean feel it leaves behind.

4. Do You Use Manual Or Electric?

You Told Us This:
72% of you revealed that you prefer to brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush, while 31% of you claim to still be using a manual to remove plaque and clean teeth daily.
Here’s What You Should Be Doing:
Ultimately, the decision between manual and electric will always come down to personal preference, but experts all agree that electric toothbrushes slightly win out on effectiveness. Namely because they take a lot of the work and worry out of your hands. Most modern models have variable functions, so you can now control the speed and intensity to suit your needs thanks to in-built sensors and timers, so you’re never going overboard like you can with a manual. Another core difference is the sonic technology electric brushes use – the oscillation of the heads (which, put simply, means a regular rhythm of movement). Because of this, they have the ability and are proven to remove much more plaque than a manual, so there’s no doubt you’ll notice and feel the difference once making the switch. It goes without saying that this considerable reduction in plaque will also lead to reduced gum inflammation and risk of disease or infection, so it’s a win-win all round.

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