10 Ways To Overcome Low Self-Esteem

10 Ways To Overcome Low Self-Esteem

According to reports, low self-esteem is on the rise. Feeling unworthy, unloved and inadequate creates an intrinsically negative feeling that can affect everything you do. But thinking positively, accepting you have a choice and being more mindful is easier said than done when you’re stuck in a dark place. Mindfulness coach, Suzanne Benjamin, has suggested some small changes to boost self-esteem and help you channel more positive thoughts…

Be Non-Judgemental

Stop worrying or feeling sorry for yourself and instead focus on opportunities. Work to accept yourself, your experiences, your failures and successes and other people for who they are. Don’t try and change other people, instead focus on you because ultimately the only person you can change is yourself.

Live In The Moment

Easier said than done, but when you’re focused on the moment, you can choose your actions consciously and wisely, unaffected by your past and unconcerned by worries or hopes for the future. Being aware of your thoughts and choosing how to respond to them will help you to take action and actively participate in your own life.

Write A Diary

Many of your thoughts and feelings are locked in your subconscious mind and writing them down can help to bring them into your awareness. By keeping a diary about the way you’re feeling and what you’re thinking, can help to separate negative ideas about yourself and see these actions/thoughts/feelings for what they really are.

Develop Self-Awareness

When you’re aware, you recognise how you react to your own fears, creating a moment between your emotions and your actions. This encourages you to respond in a healthier way.  

Become Your Own Best Friend

Get into the habit of questioning yourself, what would my mother/friend say to me in this situation? Then speak to yourself in that same encouraging tone. This will help you move on and often see light at the end of a dark tunnel.

Press Refresh

When you have a beginner’s mind, you look at things as if you are seeing them for the first time, with openness, eagerness and freedom from expectation. You can see things in a new light, rather than automatically responding with the same downward and self-criticising behaviour.

Let Go Of The Negative

Non-attachment, or letting go, is the ultimate goal of mindfulness. When you let go of what you think you should do or who you should be, your whole life will take a turn for the better. Learn to trust yourself and choose what’s right for you in that moment and beyond.  Try and look for the good in a situation. Ask yourself what you can learn from a ‘bad’ situation, what can you take away? This will change your viewpoint so you avoid hitting the same destructive wall time and time again.

Show Compassion Towards Yourself

It’s all too easy to fall into the comparison trap, whether it’s your shape, your weight, your clothes, your home etc. When you compare your lives to others, it can be very destructive. There will always be someone that’s thinner, wealthier, cleverer than you. Instead, focus on your achievements, your goals and your life instead. Compare yourself only to yourself.  

Spend More Time With Supportive People

Choose who you spend your time with wisely. So-called friends that are nervy, unkind, unsupportive and leave you feeling emotionally drained, are poison for your body, mind and soul. Instead, spend more time with positive, uplifting people that make you laugh, smile and see the best in life.

Consider Your Spare Time

And think about what you read, listen to and watch too. Spend less time scrolling through Instagram and following people that make you inadequate. Be more wary of the TV programmes that you choose to watch. And always remember, it’s entertainment not reality. Instead listen to a podcast or read a book to boost your mood and transport you to a happier place.

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