What’s In My Online Order: Judy Joo

What’s In My Online Order: Judy Joo

Stuck in a rut when it comes to your weekly food shop? What if you could have a peek at someone else’s online order for fresh inspiration? This month, we asked Judy Joo – Korean-American chef-owner of Seoul Bird – to share her online order. From the tofu she loves to Hackney Gelato and flavoursome miso pastes, here are the snacks and supper staples she orders time and again.
By Rebecca Hull /

All products on this page have been selected by our editorial team, however we may make commission on some products.

Emli Bendixen


Tomatoes: Cherry and beefsteak Isle of Wight tomatoes are always in my online order. I throw them on salads, put them on toast, or just eat the cherry tomatoes whole as a snack. I’m a big fan of sundried tomatoes too, and often order several jars. They add a delicious umami bite to anything I make – plus, they’re so good on top of a pizza. 

Apples: Jazz apples cost a little more than other apples, but they are so worth it for the crispy sweetness. I love how crunchy, firm and juicy they are. They have everything you’d want in an apple and are perfect for using in crumbles and other fruit-based desserts. 

Baby Spinach: I make lots of salads and spinach is one of the easiest things to throw in. It’s also a brilliant food for boosting your vitamin intake – as with anything that’s dark and rich-looking. I love the heartiness of the leaves as well; they give a nice meatiness to any salad.

Berries: Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries – you name it, I’ll add any kind of berry to my online order. They are all full of antioxidants, so the more the better. Plus, they’re tasty and give you a sweet hit when needed. I’ll either have some for a light dessert after dinner or with yogurt for breakfast.

Easy Peelers: Who doesn’t love an easy peeler? They are always so sweet and an easy snack whenever I’m on the go. I will often wrap a couple in a paper towel and throw them in my bag before heading out for the day. Again, they’re full of vitamins.


Tofu & Tempeh: I love soy products and these are two of my favourites. Pulmuone’s tofu is my go-to and I always get my tempeh from ProTempeh. They are so tasty. I cook tofu and tempeh in every way possible, often adding tofu into soups and even just popping it in the microwave for a quick lunch – I’ll top it with a tangy soy spring onion vinaigrette for extra flavour. As for tempeh, I prefer to pan fry it. It’s such an easy snack and so high in protein.

Hummus: Hummus is one of my fridge favourites, but often I’ll make my own. Sometimes I add roasted garlic, lemon or spicy harissa. I like to eat it with crudités or use it as a spread for sandwiches with sliced avocado, beefsteak tomatoes, sprouts and some feta, drizzled with extra virgin olive oil and sea salt, on toasted whole grain sourdough. Delicious.

Kimchi: I always have this essential fermented Korean side dish on hand, and I always make my own. I have a line of people who beg me for it whenever I make a new batch. Kimchi tastes good on everything from a jacket potato to cheese toasties, or even with a bowl of rice and some roasted seaweed. If I do buy it, I will stick to Korean brands – Jongga is a great choice.

Gochujang: This sticky, fiery red fermented chili paste is the best all-round ‘hot sauce’ – although it’s more of a paste. I use it in marinades, dips, soups and dressings. It is so versatile and can completely transform your meal.

Goat’s Cheese: I’m a sucker for a stinky, funky goat’s cheese. The more putrid, the better! I will go to La Fromagerie in Marylebone and pick up whatever the affineur suggests. I also love fresher, tangier varieties that I get from the farmers market from Windrush Valley Goat Dairy. They make the best crumbly feta.

Doenjang: This is another must-have Korean condiment. Doenjang is a stronger, coarser form of miso paste (fermented soy beans). It’s a great way to boost the flavour in soups, dips, marinades and more. I like adding a scoop into my favourite chowder recipe to add that deep umami flavour I can’t get enough of.



Extra Virgin Olive Oil: I love Greek and Italian extra virgin olive oil and cook with it exclusively. I don’t ever cook with butter really – I would rather eat it in my pastries and desserts. If you’re looking for a good one, EVOO is full of good fats. I recently got a bottle of Manayi organic Cypriot olive oil – it’s the best and I always buy a couple of bottles so I’m never without. 

Sea Salt: You can’t beat the little pyramid sea salt crystals from Maldon. It’s been my salt of choice for years. Amazing salinity, bursts of flavour and it looks gorgeous on a dish, too.

Mustard: I am a mustard connoisseur and am a particular fan of French Dijon. I buy Moutarde de Meaux Pommery in 500g jars, and I’ll rip through it in a couple of months. I put it on everything from sandwiches to a dollop with fish or steak, and in my salad dressings. So good and, again, it just adds a new flavour to a dish.

Green Tea: I am more of a tea drinker than coffee, and I always have a variety of green teas and matchas on hand. I’m not fussy about brands but a high-quality matcha is my morning brew of choice. I’ll often order a few – either leaves or powder – so I have a stash to dip into. 

Tabasco: Tabasco is a must-have for any hot sauce lover like myself. An iconic brand, and great on top of pretty much everything – I put a few dashes on eggs, pizza, fish, popcorn and more. My cupboard is never without a bottle.

Flaxseed: I’m always looking for ways to improve my nutrition, and freshly ground flax seeds make a great nutty addition to my morning yogurt. Kacchi is a great premium brand and sells a hand-milled flax seed that tastes beautiful – I love their branding too, and it is female owned. Founder Aradhana Bhandari is a real powerhouse.

Chilli Flakes: Gochugaru is my go-to Korean brand for dried chilli flakes. They are vibrantly red and full of flavour, but not too hot – a great balance between earthy, spicy and slightly smoky notes.

Roasted Sesame Oil: The darker in colour, the better. A nutty, roasted sesame oil is a must-have in any Korean kitchen and I go through bottles and bottles of it as I use it to finish off so many dishes. Nothing else adds that lovely, aromatic, roasted flavour quite like it.

Ramen Noodles: I love instant noodles and like to pimp them out with lots of veggies, leftover meat and an egg. It’s an easy, quick dish to prepare and it fills you up – ideal when you want something nutritious but don’t feel like cooking. The best ones – in my opinion – are by Jongga’s Kimchi Ramen.




Soft Dried Mangoes: I love dried mangoes – especially those soft dried ones that are still moist and soft. I usually just pick up the ones that Waitrose makes in a pack. They’re a great pick-me-up if you feel a sugar slump coming on.

Dried Asian Pears: Asian pears are such a delight when in season, and finding dried ones to eat all year long is a treat. I buy Subarashii Kudamono ones – trust me, they are worth every penny.

Nuts: Carpo is the place to buy your nuts in London. The macadamias roasted with pink Himalayan salt are the ultimate snack. I also love the roasted green pistachios.

Truffle Crisps: I am a true sucker for the fried potato in any form, especially when flavoured with truffle. I love the Torres Black Truffle crisps. They are so full of flavour and don’t taste artificial at all.

Popcorn: I love to eat crunchy things and popcorn really satisfies that craving. I prefer to make my own, but if I don’t have time, I usually grab a bag of SkinnyPop and munch away. It’s delicious and gluten free, so I find it doesn’t bloat me in the same way other popcorns do.



Edamame: I always keep a bag of frozen soy beans in my freezer. They are great for snacking on – just boil and toss in some Maldon sea salt.

Mochi: I am a massive coconut fan and the Little Moons recipe for coconut ice cream wrapped in a chewy moreish mochi shell is just perfection. If you’ve not tried these before, I can’t recommend them enough.

Dumplings: Bibigo is the leader in the frozen dumpling race in Korea and I can see – and taste – why. It is so convenient to have a bag or two in your freezer to make a quick lunch – just pop a few into instant ramen noodles or pan fry some and you’ll be fed in no time.

Ice Cream: Hackney Gelato are the best. They have some great seasonal flavours  – the mince pie during Christmas is a must-try, but otherwise I usually keep a pint of the vanilla in my fridge year-round.


Soy Milk: I like to have soy milk in my fridge at all times. I often use it in my coffee. Again, I’m not overly fussy about brands, but I always ensure I buy unsweetened varieties to keep my sugar intake low. 

Champagne: Billecart Salmon Rosé Champagne is my champagne of choice every single time. I love it so much and will buy it by the case – it’s the best.

Coffee: I use a Nespresso machine and Difference Coffee capsules are amazing. It’s rare that single estate coffees are such a joy, and make you feel like you have a full-blown artisan coffee machine and barista in your home. I like the Hawaiian Kona coffee – such a treat.

Jamu:  like turmeric drinks not only for their anti-inflammatory properties but also for the taste. I will blend fresh ginger, lime, turmeric – or use Kacchi’s Turmeric powder sachet – and coconut water for a refreshing pick-me-up. 

Tequila: I just discovered Komos, a new brand of tequila. It’s so clean and smooth; the best tequila I have tried to date, which is saying a lot. Plus, the ceramic bottle looks ace on your liquor shelf.

For more food inspiration & recipe tips, follow @JudyJooChef & @SeoulBirdUK



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