White Chocolate, Cardamom & Raspberry Tart

Serves 12
Total Time
4 Hours
200g of pecans
200g of hazelnuts
175g of unsalted butter, melted
2 pinches of sea salt
250g of mascarpone
100ml of double cream
300g of white chocolate
1 tsp of vanilla extract
1 tsp of ground cardamom
250g of raspberries
Step 1

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Spread both the pecans and
hazelnuts out on a baking tray and roast for about 15 minutes until
nicely golden. Remove and set aside to cool.

Step 2

Place half the nuts in a food possessor and blitz to a fine powder, then
put into a bowl. Blitz the rest of the nuts to a rough crumb, then mix
with the powdered nuts. Add the melted butter and a pinch of sea salt
and stir to combine. Tip the mixture into a 23cm loose-bottomed tart
tin and press firmly up the sides and into the bottom of the tin. You
want the base to be crunchy and quite thin, rather than a thick crust.
Chill in the fridge while you get on with the filling.

Step 3

Put the mascarpone, double cream, white chocolate, vanilla and
cardamom into a pan and warm over a low heat, stirring all the time to
let the chocolate melt, then add a pinch of salt and remove from
the heat.

Step 4

Pour the chocolate mixture into the base. Return to the fridge and
leave to set for about one hour.

Step 5

Put the raspberries into a sieve suspended over a bowl. Use a spoon
to press the raspberries through the sieve, leaving the seeds behind in
the sieve. Once done, take the nearly-set tart out of the fridge and use
a teaspoon to dot blobs of the raspberry purée over the tart. Turn the
teaspoon over and drag the dots a little to create a pretty, swirled effect.
Return to the fridge for another two hours to set completely.

Recipe courtesy of A Love of Eating: Recipes from Tart London by Lucy Carr-Ellison & Jemima Jones (Square Peg, £25)

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