Creamy Cannellini, Mushroom & Cavolo Nero Stew
Creamy Cannellini, Mushroom & Cavolo Nero Stew

Creamy Cannellini, Mushroom & Cavolo Nero Stew

As with most Italian dishes, this recipe is about quality ingredients, cooked simply. The cannellini beans, when blended, create a luxurious creamy, thick stew without the need for any cream. It’s no secret kale is good for you, but did you know just 50g of raw kale delivers over 200% of your daily vitamin A (good for preventing ageing) and 120% of your daily vitamin C (essential for collagen production)? Pair that with the selenium content of the mushrooms and you have yourself a wonderful winter warmer.

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Total Time
45 Minutes
2 x 400g tins of cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
400ml of veggie stock
200ml of unsweetened oat milk
2 tbsp of olive oil
2 shallots, finely chopped
1 carrot, finely chopped
1 stick of celery, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 bay leaf
A few sprigs of fresh thyme, leaves picked
½ tbsp of white miso paste
½ tbsp of tamari sauce & extra for drizzling
50g of cavolo nero or kale, de-stemmed & finely chopped
200g of mixed mushrooms (chestnut & shiitake), sliced
Salt & pepper, to taste
Serve With
A sprinkle of chopped fresh parsley
A drizzle of good quality extra virgin olive oil
Step 1

To make the creamy broth, put 120g of cannellini beans into a blender with the veggie stock and oat milk. Blend until smooth, then set to one side.

Step 2

Put 1 tablespoon of the olive oil into a large pan on a medium heat. When it’s hot, add the chopped shallots, carrot and celery. Cook for 8-10 minutes, until the shallots start to caramelise.

Step 3

Add the crushed garlic, bay leaf and thyme leaves and cook for another couple of minutes. Keep stirring, as garlic can burn very easily.

Step 4

Add the miso paste and tamari sauce, stir to combine, then add the remaining cannellini beans and the creamy broth. Turn the heat down to a simmer and cook the stew for 20 minutes, until it has started to thicken.

Step 5

Add the chopped cavolo nero, mix everything together and cook for another 5 minutes, until the cavolo nero has softened.

Step 6

While the bean stew is simmering away, cook the mushrooms. Put the remaining oil into a frying pan and once it is hot, add the sliced mushrooms. Cook them on a medium heat for 10 minutes, until they start to brown around the edges and all the water has evaporated. Drizzle with tamari sauce and remove from the heat.

Step 7

Serve the cannellini stew with the pan-fried mushrooms piled on top, a sprinkle of chopped parsley and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

Recipe courtesy of Happy Skin Kitchen: Over 100 recipes to nourish your skin from the inside out by Elisa Rossi, Harper Thorsons, £25

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