Sweetcorn Fritters With Smashed Avocado

Makes 8 fritters
Total Time
20 Minutes
2 heaped cups of frozen sweetcorn, defrosted thoroughly
1 tbsp coconut flour
3 large eggs or 4 medium eggs
1 avocado
1 bunch of spring onions, sliced
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1 fresh chilli, chopped
Step 1

In a large bowl, whisk the flour into the eggs until smooth.

Step 2

Mix in the sweetcorn, add salt and pepper.

Step 3

Heat a little oil in a heavy-based pan and spoon in 1/4 cup of the batter – the mixture should make 8 fritters.

Step 4

Cook until golden on each side.

Step 5

Smash the avocado, add spring onions, lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Step 6

To serve, layer the fritters on top of each other and spoon some avocado on top. They can also be served with a sprinkle of fresh chilli, a poached egg or pan-fried halloumi.

Recipe courtesy of The Conscientious Cook - nutrient rich food for a healthy and happy lifestyle www.theconscientiouscook.co.uk

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