Chocolate Banana Tahini Brownie

Chocolate Banana Tahini Brownie

Imagine this one warm with some cream or ice cream on top. The tahini gives the brownie a distinctive flavour, while the banana keeps it wonderfully moist. The brownies can also be made gluten-free by substituting the rye flour for a gluten-free version.
Photography: DAN JONES
Serves 8-10
Total Time
1 Hour
Meal Type
Sweet Treats
300g of dark chocolate
75g of butter
100g of tahini, plus a generous tablespoon to finish
3 eggs
200g of soft light brown sugar
2 ripe bananas, mashed
80g of rye flour
1 tsp of sesame seeds
Sea salt
Step 1

Preheat the oven to 180°C (160°C fan), gas mark 4. Line a small roasting pan or baking tin (approx. 30 x 20cm) with a reusable silicone baking sheet.

Step 2

Melt the chocolate, butter and tahini in a heatproof bowl over a pan of barely simmering water.

Step 3

Meanwhile, whisk the eggs, sugar and a pinch of salt together until light and fluffy. Fold in the mashed bananas, then the melted chocolate mix. You will notice the mixture starts to thicken a little. When everything is thoroughly mixed, carefully fold in the flour until fully incorporated.

Step 4

Turn into the prepared tin and drizzle the remaining tablespoon of tahini all over the top. Then, sprinkle over the sesame seeds.

Step 5

Bake for 25–30 minutes until the brownie is just set – it should still feel soft and moist. Leave the tin on a wire rack to cool for an hour or so.

Recipe courtesy of Roasting Pan Suppers by Rosie Sykes, published by National Trust Books. Image courtesy of Dan Jones.

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