Spring Veg With Herbs & Feta
Lightly steam a mix of green veg – broccoli, asparagus, broad beans, French beans, peas, spinach, courgettes. Steam until the vegetables are only just cooked and no more. You want to retain a bit of bite.
Pile onto a plate or into a bowl and drizzle with oil. You could use a flavoured oil – walnut or chilli, for example – or just extra virgin olive oil. Scatter over a mixed handful of roughly chopped herbs – parsley, basil, mint, coriander, chives – grind over some black pepper and sprinkle with sea salt flakes and eat.
Make the dish a bit less Spartan by spritzing it with a good squirt of fresh lemon juice and adding a crumbling of feta over the vegetables, or using a vegetable peeler to shave wide curls of Parmesan on top. Toasted seeds are a nice addition – dry-fry a tablespoon of pumpkin and sunflower seeds and sprinkle over.
Home Cooked by Kate Humble published by Gaia, £25 hardback (OctopusBooks.co.uk). Photography by Andrew Montgomery.
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