Roast Chicken & Kale Stir Fry

Such a simple supper that can be made ahead, and with leftovers that can be a base for many add-ons after. It’s a health kick for the whole family: brown rice is fabulous for digestion, chicken is a great source of lean protein and kale is a wonder food, with massive amounts of calcium, iron, minerals and antioxidants for a boost to immunity and a recharge to the system.
Serves 4
Total Time
30 Minutes
250g of short-grain brown rice
100g of curly kale, tough stalks discarded and leaves sliced into fine ribbons
2 leeks, finely sliced
1 garlic clove, sliced
Approx. 700g of cooked roast chicken meat
2 flat-leaf parsley sprigs chopped, to serve
Bragg Liquid Aminos, or soy sauce, for drizzling
Salt and pepper
Step 1

Put the rice in a pan of water with pinch of salt. Bring to the boil
and simmer for as long as packet instructions require. Place the
kale in a sieve or steamer attachment and cook above the rice for
the final five minutes until wilted.

Step 2

Heat a little oil in a large saucepan, add the leeks, garlic and
a pinch of salt. Cook gently for five to ten minutes, until the leeks
soften and begin to brown.

Step 3

Drain the rice and add to the leeks. Add the kale and stir through.
Chop the chicken into bite-sized pieces and add to the rice.
Sprinkle with chopped parsley, drizzle with Bragg Liquid Aminos
or soy sauce.

Recipe courtesy of

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