Three Autumnal Traybakes

Three Autumnal Traybakes

Simple yet comforting, a traybake is just the ticket for autumn. From a herby pilaf to roasted roots with mozzarella, here are Chloe Scott-Moncrieff’s favourite one-pan dishes that are ideal for tucking into as the nights draw in.

Herby Pilaf

Serves 3-4
Total Time
35 Minutes
Meal Type
4 chicken thighs, deboned
2 tbsp of pistachio, cracked
200g of basmati rice
1 onion, finely chopped
400ml of coconut milk
1 lemon’s zest
Vegetables in one of two combos: 150g of peas and 2 carrots, grated or finely chopped; or 100g of baby spinach and 1 cauliflower, sliced into florets
Herbs: Generous amounts of freshly chopped parsley, mint or coriander
Spices: A pinch of saffron or 1 tsp of turmeric; 1 inch of fresh ginger, peeled; seeds from 2 cardamom pods
Optional: Chopped dried apricots
Step 1

Preheat the oven to 190-200ºC. Rinse the rice thoroughly.

Step 2

Place the veg, including the onion, in a baking tray or ceramic, with the chicken and a little butter or olive oil to help everything along. Season well. Roast for 18-20 minutes. Remove from the oven.

Step 3

Sprinkle over the spices. Pour the rice into the tray. Pour the coconut milk and 2 tbsp of hot water over the rice so it’s wet enough to gently simmer. Season.

Step 4

Cook for 25 minutes until the rice is cooked – if it dries out, add a little more water.

Step 5

Finish by sprinkling over the pistachio and lots of herbs. Serve with a yoghurt if you wish.

Salmon & A Dose Of Greens

Serves 4
Total Time
30 Minutes
Meal Type
The paste:
4cm of ginger, peeled
2 garlic cloves, peeled
1 lime, finely grated and juice
1-2 tbsp of olive oil or sunflower
The salmon:
4 salmon fillets
1 tbsp of soy sauce
1 tbsp of sesame oil
2 tsp of honey
Optional: 1 tbsp of sweet chilli
The veg:
3 sweet potatoes, sliced into 1cm cubes
150g of broccoli
150g of green beans
A sprinkle of sesame seeds
Step 1

Preheat the oven to 190-200ºC and blend the paste ingredients. Mix the paste with a little oil – veg or sunflower will do.

Step 2

Place the sweet potato chunks in a roasting tray. Toss with half the paste, using your fingers. Season and roast.

Step 3

After 10 minutes, add the broccoli florets and green beans. Toss in the remaining paste blend. Keep everything widely distributed so the mix roasts evenly. Return to the oven.

Step 4

To finish, mix the soy, honey and sesame oil (and optional sweet chilli). After 5-10 minutes of baking the veg, make space for the four fillets and shift in the salmon. Pour the sticky sauce over the salmon. Sprinkle the sesame seeds over the sweet potatoes. Cook for a further 10-12 minutes.

Roasted Roots & Mozzarella (v)

Serves 2
Total Time
30 Minutes
Meal Type
1 celeriac, chopped into wedges (or you can sub this with artichoke hearts)
1 potato, sliced into 2cm cubes or chunks
200g of greens, chopped (kale, chard or spinach)
1 garlic clove
2 red chillies, sliced finely
10-15 mozzarella balls
1 tsp of paprika or cajun
Optional garnish: Fresh tarragon or basil, finely chopped
Step 1

Preheat the oven to 200ºC. Pour 2 tbsp of sunflower or veg oil into the tray and heat in the oven for a few minutes.

Step 2

Remove the tray to add all the root vegetables, chilli and garlic. Toss well, season with salt and pepper, return to the oven and roast for about 20 minutes. The smaller the chunks of veg, the quicker they will cook.

Step 3

In the final 10 minutes of cooking, stir in the greens and sprinkle over the paprika. Throw over the mozzarella balls. Serve when cooked, sprinkling fresh herbs if you’ve got them at hand – tarragon is the best.

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