24 Tasty Ways To Use Your Christmas Leftovers

24 Tasty Ways To Use Your Christmas Leftovers

Most households are left with plenty of Christmas leftovers once the main event is over. From panettone bread & butter pudding to turkey lasagne with truffle pesto, here 15 chefs share their favourite recipes for Boxing Day and beyond…

Neil Campbell, head chef of Rovi

“Get inventive with your leftovers – they shouldn’t just be for sandwiches! Leftover roasted root veg and cheese make the best croquettes; or grate roast potato over salad like you would with bottarga. There are a multitude of ways to have fun with your turkey too – think crispy turkey skin furikake (a dry Japanese condiment sprinkled on top of cooked rice, vegetables and fish) using the fat to crisp potato skin peelings. Very naughty. You could also make a leftover turkey ragu, which then gets stuffed inside turkey dumplings, with leftover caramelized onion added too.”

Visit Ottolenghi.co.uk

Richard Corrigan, chef-owner of Corrigan’s and Bentley’s Oyster Bar

“Use any leftover bread sauce to make a delicious savoury bread pudding. Take about half a pint of bread sauce, add two eggs and cook slowly in a tureen mould and chill. Serve sliced, topped with the breast of a bird or cold ham.”

Visit CorrigansMayfair.co.uk

Neil Rankin, chef-owner of Temper

“Try making a fried rice the next day. Shred your turkey, toss it though cornflour and shallow fry until crispy. In a wok, fry some precooked and chilled rice and add a little sesame oil, ginger and any leftover veg and finish with your fried roast meat on top.”

Visit TemperRestaurant.com

Justine Murphy, author of The Mymuybueno Cookbook

“Try using all your leftover Christmas turkey up to make banh mi (Vietnamese sandwiches). Hollow out and toast baguettes and then fully load them up with lightly pickled and thinly sliced carrot, cucumber and red onion, garlic mayo, warmed-through shredded turkey, a good squeeze of lime, hot chilli sauce and some fresh coriander and mint leaves. Absolutely delicious.”

Visit MyMuyBueno.com

David Simms, culinary director at RA Group

“One of my favourite recipes is to take leftover roast potatoes, sprouts and stuffing, and pan fry to create a hash. If you cook your roasties in duck fat, and top your hash with a duck egg, you’ve got yourself a beautiful decadent Boxing Day brunch. There is always leftover turkey at the end of Christmas Day. Instead of a curry or a salad, hollow out a loaf of fresh sourdough and load it up with sliced turkey and cranberry sauce – it’s so much better than any Christmas sandwich you could buy. If you haven’t had a go yet, making your own sourdough is to be recommended. It is very easy to make and maintain a sourdough starter.” 

Visit RAGroup.co.uk

Ligia Lugo, Vie de la Vegan

“If you have too much turkey on your hands you can make a turkey salad with cranberry vinaigrette. You can also prepare a leftovers bagel by stuffing a bagel with a poached egg, cranberry sauce, stuffing, mashed potatoes, turkey and whatever else you have left after Christmas. Turkey enchiladas is another great way to give your Christmas turkey a new life with coriander, spicy chillies and pumpkin seeds. If you serve Christmas pudding, you can convert the leftovers into a classic crumble. Make a traditional apple and blackberry fruit base with a buttery, nutty crumble with small bits of the Christmas pud mixed in as well.”

Visit VieDeLaVegan.com

Jamie Robinson, exec chef at Tesco

“Leftover crispy roast potatoes and stuffing are great for turning into a quick and easy hash that's the ideal dish for Boxing Day feasting. Add some shredded meat, fragrant herbs, a kick of garlic and some tart cranberries to really enhance the festive flavours and add a little zing to the dish. To finish this festive hash, top it with a perfectly poached egg.”

Visit Tesco.com

Inspired? Here are 12 full recipes to enhance your Boxing Day feasting…

Spaghetti with Brown Butter Brussels Sprouts, Sage & Romano Cheese


Serves 4
Total Time
30 Minutes
1 box of spaghetti
4 tbsp of butter
450g of brussel sprouts
6 sage leaves
½ cup of parmigiano reggiano, grated
1 tbsp of Italian parsley, chopped
Salt and black pepper to taste
Step 1

Bring two pots of water to a boil.

Step 2

In one pot boil the brussels sprouts for 8 minutes in salted water. Drain and cut in quarters.

Step 3

Place the butter in a skillet over a medium heat and cook until it turns slightly brown. Add the sage and brussels sprouts, brown over high heat and season with pepper. 

Step 4

In a second pot, cook the pasta according to package directions, drain reserving half a cup of pasta cooking water. 

Step 5

Toss the pasta with the brussels sprouts and cooking water. Finish with parsley and cheese before serving.

Leftover Gammon Cheese Toasties

Genevieve Taylor, Napoleon

Serves 1
Total Time
13 Minutes
2 thick-cut slices of bread
A little bit of softened butter
1 thick slice of gammon
75-100g of stilton
Walnut halves, chopped to taste
Parsley, chopped to taste
Step 1

Start by firing up the barbecue and setting a griddle plate onto the cooking grids to get hot.

Step 2

For each sandwich, the method is basically the same. Firstly, butter the slices of bread and turn over so the butter is on the outside. Then add the filling to one slice:

Step 3

Ham and Stilton Toastie: add a slice of the lovely smoked leftover ham and then add the cheese, followed by the walnuts and the parsley. Top with the second slice of bread, again so the butter is on the outside.

Step 4

To cook, carefully lift the assembled sandwiches onto the hot griddle or cooking grids, pressing down a little with tongs to ensure good contact with the heat. Shut the lid and allow to cook for 3-4 minutes until crisp, then use a spatula to turn over and cook the other side for another 3 minutes or so.

Tex-Mex Turkey Tortillas with Adobo Sauce

Rupert Willday, Charlie Bigham

Serves 1
Total Time
40 Minutes
For the adobo sauce:
50g of ancho chilli powder (other variants also work fine)
400ml of boiled water 
50ml of cider vinegar
200g of ripe tomatoes
3 garlic cloves
2 tbsp of brown sugar
1 tsp of dried oregano
½ tsp of salt
½ tsp of ground cumin
¼ tsp of ground cinnamon
¼ tsp of ground black pepper
¼ tsp of ground allspice
3 tbsp of olive oil
For the turkey:
300g of cooked turkey, shredded 
1 tin of kidney beans, drained
Pinch of salt
A handful of coriander, roughly chopped
1 lime, cut into wedges
2 large soft corn tortillas (or any wrap will work)
2 tbsp of olive oil
Step 1

To make the adobo sauce, place the chilli powder in a blender or food processor and gradually add 400ml of boiling water, on a slow function. 

Step 2

Add the vinegar, chopped tomatoes, garlic, brown sugar, oregano, salt, cumin, cinnamon, pepper and allspice and process for around 2 minutes to a smooth purée. It should have the consistency of ketchup. Let down with a little extra water if needed.

Step 3

Heat 3 tbsp of oil in a frying pan over a medium high heat. Pour in your purée and gently bring to a boil, reduce to simmer and cook uncovered for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. This can be prepared in advance and will keep for 3 weeks in an airtight container in the fridge until needed.

Step 4

Heat the remaining oil in a frying pan over a medium heat, add the shredded turkey and fry until beginning to colour. Add the drained beans and 4-5 tbsp of your adobo paste, enough to comfortably coat the turkey and beans. Heat through for 5 minutes, season with a little salt if needed. 

Step 5

Serve with corn tortillas, lime wedges and plenty of chopped coriander.

Turkey Green Curry

Saiphin Moore, Rosa's Thai Cafe

Serves 4
Total Time
15 Minutes
500g of boneless turkey, cut into bite-sized pieces
1 tbsp of vegetable oil
3 tbsp of green curry paste
400ml of coconut milk
1 tbsp of palm sugar
2 tbsp of fish sauce
3 lime leaves, torn
100g of pea aubergines (available online or from Thai supermarkets)
100g of Thai aubergines, cut into quarters (or purple aubergines, cut into chunks)
150g of cooked bamboo shoots, cut into bite-size pieces
A pinch of sea salt
A handful of basil leaves
To serve:
Steamed rice
To garnish:
2 red spur chillies (diagonally sliced) and some sprigs of basil
Step 1

Heat the oil in a saucepan over a high heat and add the curry paste. Stir-fry for 10 seconds until fragrant.

Step 2

Reduce the heat to medium and add half the coconut milk. Cook for about 2 minutes until the oil splits and rises to the surface.

Step 3

Add the remaining coconut milk, the palm sugar and fish sauce, and season with a pinch of salt. Stir in the lime leaves and add the turkey to the pan. Add the pea aubergines, Thai aubergines and the bamboo shoots. Cook over a medium heat for 5-7 minutes. Stir in the basil leaves.

Step 4

Ladle into serving bowls, garnish each one with some sliced chilli and a sprig of basil. Serve with steamed rice.

Leftover Turkey Laab

Serves 4
Total Time
20 Minutes
Leftover cooked turkey, shredded
3 shallots, finely chopped 
1 tsp of chilli powder
Pinch of salt
2 tbsp of lime juice
1 tbsp of fish sauce
1 tbsp of roasted rice
1 lime leaf 
Handful coriander leaves 
Handful of mint leaves
1 spring onion, sliced
To serve:
Slices of iceburg lettuce  
Step 1

Make your own roasted rice by toasting uncooked rice in a dry pan until golden brown (no oil needed). Once the rice looks golden and starts to smell fragrant take it off and cool it. Then crush the rice in a pestle and mortar until it becomes a powder. 

Step 2

Warm through the leftover turkey in the microwave or in a hot pan with a little oil. Take off the heat and add shallots, chilli powder, salt, lime juice, fish sauce, roasted rice and lime leaf. Stir in the coriander mint and spring onion. Mix well and taste, it should have a delicious balance of spicy, sour and salty. 

Step 3

Eat the warm mixture wrapped in chilled lettuce leaves.

Panettone Bread & Butter Pudding

Stuart Ralston, Aizle & Noto

Serves 6
Total Time
50 Minutes
8 slices of panettone (about the same size as a regular piece of bread) 
30g of soft butter
200ml of milk
200ml of cream 
3 eggs 
½ tsp of ground cinnamon 
1 small dash of brandy 
Brown sugar 
Step 1

Butter each piece of panettone with butter and then cut into triangles. Lay the slices of bread in a lightly greased tray and sprinkle a little brown sugar over them, slightly overlapping. 

Step 2

Beat the eggs into the milk, cream, cinnamon and brandy and pour over the top of the bread in the tray. 

Step 3

Bake at 180C for about 30-40 minutes. 

Spicy Coconut Turkey Noodle Soup

Billy & Jack

Serves 4
Total Time
25 Minutes
2 tbsp of U:ME Coconut Oil Blend
250g of leftover turkey, shredded
1 onion
2 garlic cloves, finely sliced
2 chopped lemongrass
1 tbsp of ginger, finely chopped
½ tsp of turmeric
1 tbsp of Thai red chilli paste
1 tbsp of soy sauce
A handful of mange tout
A handful of brussels sprouts
400ml of coconut milk
1ltr of chicken stock
1 red pepper, sliced 
4 nests of dried rice noodles
Step 1

Finely slice the onions and garlic and sweat down with the coconut oil for 3-4 minutes until soft. Add the ginger, lemongrass, turmeric and chilli paste and cook for 1-2 minutes, allowing the flavours to infuse into the oil.

Step 2

Slice the red pepper and sprouts and add to the saucepan, along with the mange tout. Pour in the coconut milk and chicken stock, soy sauce and lime juice and bring to a boil.

Step 3

Add the shredded turkey and boil for 10 minutes. Cook the noodles according to packet method and add to the saucepan.

Step 4

Divide among bowls and top with coriander, basil, finely sliced red chillies and a wedge of lime.

Turkey & Mushroom Christmas Pie

The Mushroom Bureau

Serves 4
Total Time
55 Minutes
250g of chestnut mushrooms, sliced
25g of butter
1 onion, finely sliced
4 garlic cloves, crushed
2 tbsp of plain flour
300ml of semi-skimmed milk
400ml of chicken stock
300g of crème fraiche
2 bay leaves
1 tbsp of chopped thyme
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
500g of cooked turkey meat, sliced into bitesize chunks
600g of cooked veg (carrots, sprouts, swede, squash, courgette, peas, cauliflower, etc)
10 roast potatoes, sliced
50g of cheddar cheese
Olive oil, to drizzle
Step 1

Preheat the oven to 180°C.

Step 2

Melt the butter in a deep frying pan and add the onion. Cook over a gentle heat, stirring constantly until the onion is just soft.

Step 3

Add the mushrooms and continue stirring until the mushrooms are just cooked. Add the garlic and flour and carry on cooking for another minute before adding the milk and stock, a little at a time, stirring to avoid lumps.

Step 4

Stir in the crème fraiche, bay leaves and thyme and season well. Add the turkey and vegetables. Transfer to an ovenproof dish.

Step 5

Lay over the sliced potatoes, sprinkle over the cheese and drizzle with olive oil.

Step 6

Bake in the oven for 30 minutes until hot and bubbling.

Turkey Lasagne with Truffle Pesto


Serves 4
Total Time
25 Minutes
200g of cooked sprouts, roughly sliced
1 tbsp of olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
180g pack whole cooked chestnuts, roughly chopped
1 jar of Sacla' Truffle Pesto
400g of leftover cooked turkey, roughly shredded
200ml of double cream
8 lasagne sheets
1 handful flat leaf parsley, finely chopped
Basil leaves
Step 1

Heat the oil in a large frying pan, add the sprouts, season well and cook for a couple of minutes until just beginning to colour then stir in the chestnuts and cook for a minute more.

Step 2

Add the truffle pesto and stir to combine, then add the turkey and cream, a little at a time until it becomes the desired consistency. Simmer gently, stirring occasionally until the turkey is piping hot. Taste, season some more if required and put to one side.

Step 3

Add the lasagne sheets to a pan of boiling water and cook until al dente, then drain, separate and cut each one in half widthways.

Step 4

To assemble, lay a square of lasagne on a serving plate and layer up with the mixture and three more lasagne sheets. Sprinkle over parsley to serve then top with basil leaves and freshly ground black pepper and dig in!

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