Curry Miso Ramen With Butternut Squash, Tofu & Kimchi

Serves 2
Total Time
1 Hour
2 tbsp of coconut, light rapeseed or groundnut oil, plus extra for frying
1 onion, finely chopped
6 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
3cm piece of ginger, peeled and roughly chopped
2 tbsp of curry powder (English or Malaysian)
1 tsp of ground coriander
½ tsp of turmeric
1 tbsp of soy bean chilli oil (Chinese, Thai or Japanese)
1.2 litres of boiling water
200g of white miso paste
3 tbsp of mirin
1 tbsp of nutritional yeast
1 tsp of Marmite
2 tbsp of dark soy sauce
1 tbsp of palm or brown sugar
400ml of soy milk
200g of shiitake mushrooms, sliced
200g of firm tofu, cut into thick slices
100ml of teriyaki sauce
2 free-range eggs, boiled for 6 minutes, quickly cooled in iced water and peeled
90g of buckwheat noodles per person, cooked until al dente and refreshed in iced water
3 slices of roasted butternut squash per person
2 heaped spoonfuls of kimchi
2 spring onions, thinly sliced
½ tsp of Korean chilli powder
1 tsp of sesame seeds
Step 1

In a medium casserole dish, heat the oil over a medium heat and add the onion. Allow to soften for about 15 minutes to develop their sweet flavour before adding the garlic and ginger. Sweat for a further three to four minutes before adding the spices.

Step 2

Next, add the soy bean chilli oil and give this a couple of minutes on the heat, before adding the water.

Step 3

Whisk in the miso paste, followed by the mirin, nutritional yeast, Marmite, soy and sugar. Allow the sauce to reduce on a low simmer for 30 minutes and then add the soy milk. Transfer to a food processor and blitz until smooth, then return to the pan.

Step 4

Meanwhile in a frying pan heat a glug of oil and fry the mushrooms over a high heat for five minutes until they start to caramelise, then set aside. Return the pan to the heat, add a little extra oil if necessary, ramp up the heat and fry the tofu for a minute on each side, or until really charred.

Step 5

Put the teriyaki sauce in a bowl, add the tofu and the eggs and coat thoroughly. Set to one side.

Step 6

When ready to serve, divide the noodles between two ramen bowls and pour a quarter of the soup base into each bowl. Slice the eggs in half and place on top. Slice the tofu into strips and arrange next to the eggs, followed by the butternut squash and kimchi. Finally, sprinkle the spring onions, chilli powder and sesame seeds over the top and serve immediately.

Recipe from Slow by Gizzi Erskine, photography by Issy Croker (HarperCollins, £25)

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