Focus On Fitness With Personal Trainer To The Stars, Peter Cobby

Focus On Fitness With Personal Trainer To The Stars, Peter Cobby

It’s no secret Peter Cobby has worked with high profile clients from the world of fashion and entertainment. Dubbed ‘the personal trainers to the stars’ he has helped red-carpet celebrities and Vogue cover models prepare for the public eye. Yet when Peter launched ProjectLALA, his aim was to make personal training accessible to any woman wanting a leaner, healthier body. Now his Ten-Day Model Body Bootcamp delivers effective results for those needing to feel and look great in a hurry.

Coming from a sporty family meant fitness was a world Peter Cobby knew well. His career started 17 years ago in Melbourne as a personal trainer, before he relocated to London where he’s made a name for himself as a body design specialist. We caught up with him to discover what you need for a great workout, why you shouldn’t overdo the avocado and what makes the difference between getting good and head-turning results.
I take a personal approach to fitness
Fitness is a very personal thing. It’s a chance to switch off and spend time working on developing your inner strength, namely focus and drive.

What sets me apart is this
I find ways to adapt a person’s training and lifestyle to achieve their end goal. For example, a rugby player needs to train and eat like a rugby player, but a ballet dancer requires something quite different. It’s my ability to adapt each person’s body to their end goal that differentiates me from other personal trainers.

The modelling industry is changing
For a long time most, models wanted to fit the industry standards of measurements so they could get more work. But with the rise of the influencer and the plus-size model its now clear people need to take care of themselves first, be confident and take pride in their body. So, the industry is edging away from trying to fit everyone into someone else’s shoes. This is positive. Today’s model focuses on getting healthy and being happy with the body type they have.

Most clients want to achieve these
Some lucky people have a fast metabolism and can eat what they like and remain trim. The rest of us however need to work for it. Toned abs and legs is a constant request across the board.

Achieve a sculpted silhouette by doing this
Looking sculpted depending on the amount of resistance work being undertaken – from specific weighted exercises to body weight or yoga-style movements. The trick to continuing any development is progressive overload.

Body fat helps you look toned not taut
For a body to look trim, it’s about the amount of body fat you carry. Too much and the look becomes soft. Too little and the body becomes gaunt. Finding a balance can be the difference between being sporty and being trim.

Being consistent is key
This is my best tip for really making a difference. Too often I’ve seen people go really hard for a short period, achieve unheard of results and then blow it, because they didn’t reach their goal in time. For example, one client lost two inches from her hips in as many weeks but because she didn’t reach the measurements she wanted, she gave up. Had she stuck to her path for just one more week, she would have achieved her goal.
The optimum number of workouts
This depends on your current level of fitness and the intensity of the workouts.
Yoga - you could do daily. Sprinting or weights on the same area - twice a week max.

Let’s talk about goals
If the goal is to increase muscle mass, then 45 - 50-minute sessions are sufficient.
If the goal is to lower body fat, then the aim should be a 90-minute session.

Long lean limbs start here
Let’s assume you are trying to lean out while developing muscle tone. The first half of your session should be all about increasing tone through slow repetitive resistance movements - strength training. This should be followed by around 30-45 minutes of low intensity steady state exercise. The combination is great for lowering the overall body fat and developing strength/lean muscle.

This is the cardio to aim for
I’m a huge fan of low intensity steady state (LISS) training. It keeps your heart rate at around 60-70% of your maximum heart rate and can be held for a very long time. Doing this helps to burn body fat without fatiguing the muscle.

Strength training that really delivers
The best way to develop strength is through an ability to carry, and move comfortably, your own frame. So, use your own body weight for strength training. Strength training only requires you have a load, and the ability to repeat the move. Body weight exercises are great for improving all over strength, as is any form of calisthenics.

A great workout doesn’t need complicated equipment
A towel, a body band and theraloops - you can get a great workout from this simple group of equipment, which can easily be done at home.

Diet is the difference between good results and head-turning results
Simply put: diet is 90% of the work. Get this right and your body will pay you back ten- fold. My method relies heavily on the effectiveness of food to bring down body fat, while the training sculpts and tones the body.

Use your hand to guide portion size
Your palm - is the size of your protein portion.
Your fist - is the size of your portion of carbs – sweet potato, rice, pasta.
Your thumb including the base - is your portion of ‘healthy’ fats.
Don’t overdo the avocado
We tend to have too much healthy fat. One avocado on toast is a massive amount of fats for one sitting. A quarter of an avocado is ideal. We also tend to eat too many carbs.
The surprising thing to ditch
Undereating should be avoided. Along with processed foods, refined sugars and alcohol.

Abs are made in the kitchen - a good day of eating looks like this

Breakfast - a small handful of porridge overnight oats served with blueberries or grated apple.
Lunch - a serving of protein such as fish, beef, chicken, pork, tofu, with baked or steamed veg and a fist size of carbs such as sweet potato or quinoa.
Dinner - protein and a light salad or a few pieces of veg.
Good snack choices - include nuts, berries, seeds or raw veg sticks with a teaspoon of houmous.

Hydrate for your weight
Drink around 30 ml per kilogram of body weight. So, a 60 kg person would drink 1.8 litres.

Fasting works when you know what you’re doing
Fasting has been around for centuries and is extremely beneficial in SOME circumstances. However, the problem is what people tend to do with it. It can become obsessive or sporadic, which is a nightmare for the body as you just hold onto everything you eat, when you do finally eat. My advice is if you’re going to fast - stick to it and don’t err from it.

How to harness the nutrients
Boil, poach, steam, grill or cook at temperatures at or below 120º C such as slow cooking. Leave your veg for five minutes after cutting and before cooking so nutrients can be activated. Then steam, don’t boil, to hold in those nutrients.

And how to eat smart
Have your heaviest meal at the start of the day, or at the very latest lunchtime. Your lightest meal should be dinner. You use more energy moving around as opposed to sitting, so it makes sense to eat early and light in the evening.

Swerve unhealthy snacking by doing this
There is nothing worse than being tired and hungry to allow bad choices to make their way in. Food preparation prevents this.

It’s a mistake to think protein is a magic bullet
When it comes to nutrition, everyone is obsessed about protein, yet ALL macronutrients are equally important. Protein won’t go to all your body cells of your body without fat playing an important role.

Aim to hit a healthy balance
Have around one gram of protein per kilo of body weight. You can increase this to a maximum of two grams, but after this it’s simply a waste. The remainder of your energy requirements should then consist of varying combinations of carbohydrates and fats. The amount you require depends on lifestyle and body type.

You can do pretty amazing things with the human body
There are plenty of non-invasive cosmetic procedures out there, but a lack of simple, effective alternatives for the body. The Ten-Day Model Body Bootcamp is that alternative. It helps women get their body ready for special occasions like weddings, red carpet events or beach holidays. Those ten days are all about achieving those enhanced and extended effects. You can do amazing things given the right circumstances.

Plan right for your body type
After an initial consultation and base readings, I look at your daily activities and make the necessary adjustments to get you fully engaged in the plan. For ten days you’ll be taken through a series of workouts - from yoga and meditation to strength training and pad-work drills - specifically designed to tighten and tone the body. Then we energise the body with the right foods, improving sleep, complexion and recovery. I work alongside several food delivery companies to really hone the results.

The time frame for results
Some of the best results I’ve worked on have happened within a seven to ten-day period of being really focused. However, you should notice changes to the way you feel, sleep and your skin’s condition within the first couple of days.

Drop a dress size
Along with a reduction in dress size, in ten days you should expect improved sleep, increased energy, boosted self-confidence, to feel more toned and flexible and have a sense of accomplishment.
A good body starts in the mind
A do-it-tomorrow attitude leads you only to what you’re already accustomed to. Stop waiting and expecting things to change. Take the opportunity to invest time in yourself and start with what you’ve got. Once you’ve taken one small step, it’s much easier to take two. Try and enjoy it.

How to get your runway-worthy results
Find workouts at home by following my Instagram feed @petercobby
I also have an online plan for more in-depth assistance.
Sign up for classes on the MindBody app, search for ProjectLALA.
Those wanting private training or to try my Ten-Day Model Body Bootcamp should go to my website.

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