9 Women Share Their Christmas Traditions

9 Women Share Their Christmas Traditions

Everyone’s Christmas traditions are personal to them – be it Christmas Eve at the pub, sitting down to listen to the Queen’s speech, or a frosty Boxing Day walk. Here, some well-known women tell us how they like to celebrate…
By Harriet Russell


Chef & cookbook author

“Every Christmas Eve we sing carols around the piano with mince pies and Baileys hot chocolates – heaven! Then, our family kicks off Christmas morning with a big traditional breakfast – the kind we only indulge in once a year – before dressing up in our Christmas finest to go to church, followed by a big walk. After that, we open presents in front of the fire with a glass of bubbles. For lunch, which starts around 3pm, a tradition is to have Carlingford oysters from Ireland and a Baileys coffee at the end – it’s my Irish contribution! The late evening is spent curled up in front of the fire watching Christmas movies. On Boxing Day, we have a big lunch with lots of friends and family – this year I’ll be cooking a delicious pastry pie with all the leftover meat from Christmas Day.”
Follow @ClodaghMcKenna & @BaileysOfficial on Instagram.



Broadcaster & Author

“Christmas Eve is all about midnight mass, new pyjamas and champagne. Bubbles on Christmas Eve are a must. I like to push the boat out at this time of year, but I’ve recently discovered Aldi’s Veuve Monsigny Champagne, which is delicious and a bargain – I’ve stocked up for December! Canapés like roast beef and horseradish and smoked salmon blinis are a favourite, too. Christmas morning is my favourite moment – I’m always so impatient to open presents and watch the little ones open their stockings. Then it’s time for mimosas and a big walk. We’re quite traditional on Christmas Day; we have a big lunch with all the classics – like pigs in blankets and bread sauce. After lunch we play games – I’m a fan of backgammon and my dad loves chess. In the evening, we relax, chat or read and then it’s off to bed before we head out on a blustery dog walk on Boxing Day. Then it’s back to the house for another glass of champagne – if there’s any left!”
Aldi’s Veuve Monsigny Champagne is available to buy here.
Follow @GeorgiaToffolo on Instagram


Chef & Cookbook Author

“Every Christmas Eve we sing carols around the piano with mince pies and Baileys hot chocolates – heaven! Then, our family kicks off Christmas morning with a big traditional breakfast – the kind we only indulge in once a year – before dressing up in our Christmas finest to go to church, followed by a big walk. After that, we open presents in front of the fire with a glass of bubbles. For lunch, which starts around 3pm, a tradition is to have Carlingford oysters from Ireland and a Baileys coffee at the end – it’s my Irish contribution! The late evening is spent curled up in front of the fire watching Christmas movies. On Boxing Day, we have a big lunch with lots of friends and family – this year I’ll be cooking a delicious pastry pie with all the leftover meat from Christmas Day.”
Follow @ClodaghMcKenna & @BaileysOfficial on Instagram.


Broadcaster & Author

“Christmas Eve is all about midnight mass, new pyjamas and champagne. Bubbles on Christmas Eve are a must. I like to push the boat out at this time of year, but I’ve recently discovered Aldi’s Veuve Monsigny Champagne, which is delicious and a bargain – I’ve stocked up for December! Canapés like roast beef and horseradish and smoked salmon blinis are a favourite, too. Christmas morning is my favourite moment – I’m always so impatient to open presents and watch the little ones open their stockings. Then it’s time for mimosas and a big walk. We’re quite traditional on Christmas Day; we have a big lunch with all the classics – like pigs in blankets and bread sauce. After lunch we play games – I’m a fan of backgammon and my dad loves chess. In the evening, we relax, chat or read and then it’s off to bed before we head out on a blustery dog walk on Boxing Day. Then it’s back to the house for another glass of champagne – if there’s any left!”
Aldi’s Veuve Monsigny Champagne is available to buy here.
Follow @GeorgiaToffolo on Instagram

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