6 Charities Close To The SL Team’s Hearts
6 Charities Close To The SL Team’s Hearts

6 Charities Close To The SL Team’s Hearts

At SL, we understand how important it is to give back – and there are several causes that the team feel especially passionate about. We asked them which charities they regularly support and what they mean to them…

Saroop Sangha

Fashion Assistant

“Children are so often the tragic victims of parental neglect and abuse – it’s estimated that more than 400,000 children enter the social care system a year. Despite being placed into the government system, local councils don’t receive sufficient funding to support these children to give them the best possible future. Before she passed away, my mum was a childcare lawyer. She had a genuine desire to protect children and give them access to a happy and safe home. Become Charity provides help for all those involved in the childcare system, offering things like career coaching, advice on further education and mental health services. The charity’s main goal is to support children in care to give them the hope of a bright career and positive future, with the same access to opportunities as other children. It’s work that’s truly life changing.”

Visit BecomeCharity.org.uk

Florence Eyres

Shopping Editor & Community Lead

“Cruse Bereavement Support is UK's leading bereavement charity and I think more people should know about it’s incredible work. Like so many charities, it’s chronically underfunded, too. Cruse supports people who are struggling with grief – and it has done for over 60 years. This charity was introduced to my family and I two years ago through a GP. I personally found having a course of weekly grief therapy incredibly helpful; it significantly improved my mental health and gave me the tools I needed to navigate a very difficult time. It can be hard to take that first step in getting help, but Cruse made it as easy as possible. You can choose between face-to-face appointments or over the phone support as well – so there really is something to suit everyone.” 

Visit Cruse.org.uk 

Daisy Reed

Senior Social Media Manager & Junior LuxeGen Editor

“Brain Tumour Research holds a special place in my heart because my mother's friend's husband was unexpectedly diagnosed with a brain tumour despite being incredibly fit and healthy. His sudden diagnosis and later passing were devastating, and only highlighted the unpredictable and aggressive nature of this disease. It’s the only national charity in the UK dedicated to funding long-term, sustainable research, campaigning to increase the national investment in brain tumour research to £35 million per year. Historically just 1% of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated to this devastating disease and over 16,000 people are diagnosed with a brain tumour in the UK every year. They need £1 million annually to build teams of world class research experts at each of the seven UK Centres of Excellence, which all focus on different types of brain tumours. Supporting this charity is a way of honouring our friend’s memory and contributing to the fight against brain tumours, so others can have a better outcome in the future.”

Visit BrainTumourResearch.org 

Polly Sayer

Fashion Broadcaster

“In April I ran the London Marathon for Bone Cancer Research Trust, a charity and disease that, admittedly, I didn't know much about before taking on the challenge, but now feel incredibly proud to be associated with. The charity receives no government funding, so relies solely on donations and fundraising to research treatments for primary bone cancer, as well as providing support for families affected by it. Sadly, bone cancer often affects young people as well as adults, and with a five-year survival rate at little over 50%, those fundraising efforts feel particularly important. I hope to run the marathon for them again next year.”

Visit BCRT.org.uk 

Alexa Everaert

Digital Designer

“For most of us, being able to live independently is something we take for granted but for those living with autism, epilepsy or a disability, it’s a reality that’s much harder to imagine. Support Dogs is a charity I really believe in and continue to support because they are dedicated to saving and improving the lives of those with challenging medical conditions. They train and provide specialist assistance dogs to allow those with autism, epilepsy or a disability to feel more in control of their life, whether that’s in social situations or for added safety before a seizure. Also, a quarter of the dogs trained come from rescue centres, so the animals are given a second chance, too.”

Visit SupportDogs.org.uk

Stephanie Campion

Videographer & Editor

“Child Bereavement UK is devoted to providing support and hope to families experiencing the devastating loss of a child. When such a tragedy strikes, it can create a void of despair within a family. I have watched loved ones navigate this process and I do not know what they would have done without charities like Child Bereavement UK. Despite the profound challenges they face, the charity remains a steadfast source of solace and guidance, offering counselling, group support, and educational resources to empower families to cope and heal.”

Visit ChildBereavementUK.org 

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