6 Best Apps For New Mums

6 Best Apps For New Mums

Whether you’ve just got pregnant or just had a baby, there are myriad apps available. Nothing can prepare you for the arrival a little one into your life, but technology might make it a little easier. From a breastfeeding tracker to help you log the constant feeds, to social apps connecting you with like-minded new mums, to the app that lets you book and pay a vetted babysitter, here are the parenting apps you need on your phone.


Before you’ve had your little bundle of joy, you’ll want to track your pregnancy – and Nurture is the app to give you everything you need to keep an eye on your progress. From regular updates on your baby’s size (from cumquat to kiwi to even bigger fruit) and developmental milestones to checking you did your daily kegels and took your prenatal vitamins, Nurture makes it really easy to track your own health over the course of your pregnancy, as well as the baby’s. Plus, you can get involved in their community and contribute to their forum for conversation from women who are in the same boat as you. 

Cost: Free

Get it here.


If you’re not careful, your maternity leave will become never-ending baby changes and Peppa Pig on TV. But Peanut allows you to connect with like-minded mamas so both you and your child can make new friends. Created by Michelle Kennedy, formerly CEO of Badoo and Board Advisor at Bumble, the people at Peanut recognise that motherhood isn’t the only thing that defines you – it’ll show you women in your neighbourhood with similar-aged children and creates matches based on your shared interests, so both you and baby can have a little fun.

Cost: Free

Get it here.


There’s never a babysitter available when you need one, is there? Well, never miss out on a crucial event again with Bubble, the app that lets you find sitters that have been recommended by friends, each one having been security-checked by the company. And then best bit? No more handing over notes – you can pay your sitter through the app. 

Cost: Free

Get it here.


A baby timer app is just what you need for the days after birth, when you don’t know which way is up or when you last fed. For when your brain is frazzled, give BabyTimer a go – it’s really easy to use. You can track feeds and bottles, and keep a note of when you last changed a nappy or expressed. It’s all laid out on one easy page. 

Cost: £2.99

Get it here.

Baby Monitor 3G

There’s no need to splash out on a baby monitor when you’ve got a smartphone. Baby Monitor 3G lets you pair two iPhones or iPads and use them to keep and eye on your small one, which is particularly great when you’re getting into the swing of sleep training. 

Cost: £3.99

Get it here.


Before baby you might have used an app like FourSquare to find fun things to do in your area – post-baby, it’s all about Hoop. Just sign up with your child’s age and your location, and the app will show you all the activities that you and baby can do near you. From sensory play to ballet classes to mum and baby fitness, you and your little one will never be bored again.

Cost: Free

Get it here.

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