Trend Watch: Waves

Trend Watch: Waves

Curvaceous, organic shapes are having a moment in the interiors world right now. And judging by the explosion of wavy furniture and accessories, it’s likely to stick around for a while. Here’s how to make the most of the trend in your home.

Embrace The Playful Shape

“Having survived 2020, we could all do with a little humour and light relief,” says interior designer Tiffany Duggan. “I love a soft, undulating wave piece – it adds a playful, whimsical element to any space. There is something so soothing and satisfying about the curves – plus, it’s a fantastic way to add a little joy.”

“Curved waves are so playful,” agrees Sarah Peake from Studio Peake. “I used it for a bed tester in a child’s room recently, and it made the bed feel more fun rather than overly grand. Sometimes, a horizontal line or angle can be too blunt or straight, whereas the wave blends in better and doesn’t draw the eye to it too much, but it can simultaneously act as a lovely accent.”

Use It In Any Room 

“No room is off limits when it comes to incorporating wave shapes” says Tiffany. “A wavy vanity unit would be lovely in a bathroom, for instance, or a Jean Royere-style dining table in the dining room, a bedside table or chest in the bedroom… the options are endless. I’ve used it  on pelmets, console tables, mirrors and ottomans – as well as our best-selling Avalon range.”


Make A Statement

A wave can also look wonderful on upholstered pieces, such as sofas and headboards. “We designed our Wavy Sofa to prove sofas don’t all have to have a straight back,” explains Rosanna Bossom. “It looks particularly good against a plain wall where you can really appreciate the shape of the wave. We took a long time to perfect the curves so everything feels relaxed. We are currently making up a pair of these sofas for a playroom, but they could work in any room if you’re looking to inject some fun into the space. Whatever fabric you choose, think about matching it to the leg colour in a high gloss to finish it off.”

“I also love wavy, lacquered or stained wooden furniture, such as tables, bars and chests,” says Tiffany. “The trick is to use it sparingly – allow one piece to shine to stop the space looking like an homage to a single trend.”

Don’t Confuse It With Scallop

“Both the scallop and waves trends are really fun, decorative flourishes that add humour and personality,” says Tiffany. “Whereas scallops are neater, sweeter and tend to lend themselves towards a county house or coastal aesthetic, waves are a bit sexier and usually feel more contemporary – think Emile Ruhlmann and Jean Royere vibes.”


Here’s how to get the wave look in your home…


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