Trend Watch: Imitation Bamboo

Trend Watch: Imitation Bamboo

Alongside wicker, cane and rattan, bamboo has been a permanent feature in the interiors world for years. More recently, however, designers and furniture makers have opted to imitate the finish by using different materials – offering a more sustainable and versatile way to incorporate the trend into your home. Here’s how to get the look…

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Bamboo has been an almost permanent feature in the interiors world over recent years. But lately, it’s taken on a kind of timelessness that transcends its traditional roots. “It adds something organic to a scheme because it feels so natural,” explains interior designer Jojo Barr of House Nine. “But recently we’ve seen it reinvented through different materials, including carved wood and cast plaster.”

The reason for this is that bamboo is quite rigid, so if you want to create a round mirror or corners, imitating bamboo through a cast allows more versatility in the design. “It’s also easier to paint and you can make every item exactly to size, which would be challenging with the natural product – plus, it has better longevity,” Jojo adds



Adding colour to imitation bamboo can be very effective, too, as demonstrated by the Robin Myerscough mirror below, which is made in hand-turned beech and comes in red, but can be painted in a range of bespoke colours. Metal finishes are also an interesting update, such as with Soane’s petal wall light, which combines natural motifs but is cast in metal to make it feel more glamorous and sophisticated.


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