Me & My Instagram: Erin Off Duty

Me & My Instagram: Erin Off Duty

Street style regular and fashion influencer Géraldine Boublil – @ErinOffDuty on Instagram – is known for her chic Parisian style, something that’s drawn in 140k followers. From editing tips to what makes a winning photo, she reveals what goes on behind the scenes.

My most liked picture is…

This one – certainly in the last couple of years anyway. It features some of my favourite things: denim, coffee, and some lace up sandals I designed for footwear brand Ilio Smeraldo – it’s pretty special to be able to wear something you created. 


My favourite Instagram outfit…

Has been this one, lately. I’m wearing some loose white jeans, pointed slingbacks and this gorgeous Prada parka which, if you slide to the second photo in the carousel, you’ll see is actually yellow. The colours work so well together. 

The person who takes most of my Instagram pictures is…

My husband. I find the easiest and quickest way to get things done is to ask him. 

My most saved picture is…

A screengrab from an interview I did with Coveteur. In addition to fashion, I also love interiors. I think people liked this picture because it gave them a little insight into my home. 


I take my photos with…

My iPhone. But I also enjoy mixing things up with a digital camera, and love polaroid shots, too. It keeps things interesting.

I edit my photos using…

A very light hand. I never use filters. It’s more about playing with light and shadows – I prefer my images to look as natural as possible.


The image that makes me happiest is…

This one, with my two children. They’re everything to me.

The image I’m most proud of is…

This. I don’t usually work with animals – it can be a nightmare – but look at the horse’s expression here! We nailed it.


I don’t have a standard pose...

I prefer to go with the flow and what feels right for the outfit, setting or mood. 

My most used hashtag is…

#Parisian – of course.

Stories are for… 

A less curated, ‘real’ insight into my daily life. I also like to share personal news on stories. 

To get the right shot…

It can take one second and sometimes forever. It’s just the way it is, but most of the time, the difference between a good and great shot comes down to the lighting. That’s why it’s my primary focus.

The fashion piece that features the most is…

Denim – like a true Parisian! As well as blue, I quite often wear white denim too. I like Celine and Agolde jeans best.

The picture that was hardest to get was…

Taken in the mirror. It was tricky to get the reflection just right and not have the flash impact the image too much. In the end, I loved the overall effect. 


My coolest setting has been…

In the desert on a recent family holiday. Quite the contrast to my usual Parisian backdrop, but the views were absolutely breath-taking. It was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.


My favourite holiday photo was…

Also in the desert. We managed to capture a real moment between me and the horse, which was quite special.


My favourite picture of myself is…

This one. Another cool setting, this time in Positano with that warm summer light...


A good Instagram picture…

Sparks an emotion, smile, or reaction. A great image should make you feel something, which is what I try to keep in mind when shooting.

My photos are mostly inspired by…

The Parisian landscape.

My favourite Instagram accounts to follow are…

@Nowness and @C_l_O, which feature images from the past and present. I find them really inspiring. I also enjoy following @LoveAbrahamHicks, which shares quotes from the teachings of Abraham Hicks – great if you need a bit of everyday motivation.

I always try to upload pictures that… 

Feel true to myself.


The photo that sums up my Instagram feed the most…

Mixes the fancy (a loafer) with the not so fancy (a pyjama trouser), which feels the most like me. 


The phrase that describes my account best is.. 

A Parisian mama’s life.

Follow Erin @ErinOffDuty

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