The Round Up: Colourful Beaded Jewellery
The Round Up: Colourful Beaded Jewellery

The Round Up: Colourful Beaded Jewellery

Beaded jewellery is a fun alternative to gold or silver during the summer – and the good news is, there are plenty of cool pieces around no matter your budget. Here are some of our favourites...

All products on this page have been selected by our editorial team, however we may make commission on some products.

The Grotto Set Of Five Beaded Bracelets, £70 | Roxanne Assoulin
The Grotto Set Of Five Beaded Bracelets, £70 | Roxanne Assoulin
Brands like LIÉ Studio and Anni Lu have LED THE WAY WITH THIS TREND but SMALLER BRANDS and the HIGH STREET also have plenty to offer.
Chain Necklace With Crystal Beads, £22.99 | Mango
Chain Necklace With Crystal Beads, £22.99 | Mango

Inspiration credits: @INGRIDEDVINSEN | @LIESTUDIO_ | @_ANNI_LU_ 

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