The Best Plants For Your Desk

Keen to brighten up your workspace? A little bit of greenery could be just what you need. With their air-purifying and mood-boosting properties, plants can help create a positive working environment and stimulate productivity and creativity – here are our top picks for your desk…

We all know that house plants have become somewhat of a trend in recent years. From succulents and trailers to huge ferns and beautiful blooms, they’ve become as much a part of our weekly shopping habit as a trip to Zara.

But while your house may be filled with beautiful greenery and foliage, what about your desk at work? We spend roughly a third of our lives at an office, so we really should be giving this space the same TLC as our living room at home. And this is even more important when you think about how plants can boost our health.

As Jo Lambell, horticultural guru and founder of online store Beards & Daisies, explains, plants can support our physical and emotional wellbeing and have numerous other benefits too. “Humans have an innate desire to be connected with nature, which scientists call biophilia, so whether you work remotely or in an office environment, adding plants to your workspace is key,” she says. “They’ve been proven to help reduce stress, increase productivity and remove toxins from the air, meaning they’re so much more than just a pretty addition to your office.” Here’s what you need to know…

Golden Pothos, £10.99
Golden Pothos, £10.99

Golden Pothos

Otherwise known as Devil's Ivy, this stylish trailing plant is incredibly hardy (some may say almost unkillable) and with its arrow-shaped, marbled leaves, it'll look the part on any office desk. It’s great for a space away from windows and just needs a little water now and then to thrive. They've been known to last over 20 years which makes them great value for money.

Snake Plant, £13.99
Snake Plant, £13.99

Snake plant or Sansevieria

Research undertaken by NASA suggests we should have at least one plant per 100 square feet of office space and as the Sanseveria is proven to reduce respiratory symptoms, headaches and eye irritation, it makes an ideal companion for your desk. Water your snake plant occasionally when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch and position in indirect sunlight to keep it happy.

Nerve Plant, £8
Nerve Plant, £8


As one of the smaller indoor plant choices, the nerve plant is brilliant for busy desks and office environments and it also thrives under florescent lighting. Its delicate veined leaves will add a pop of colour to your workspace, helping to boost your mood and creativity. Keep it moist with regular misting.

Ficus Elastica Robusta, £12
Ficus Elastica Robusta, £12

Rubber plant or Ficus Robusta

This is a staple for any stylish desk. It's tough yet easy going, and with large glossy leaves it certainly looks the part. And for an added bonus, its thick leaves give it the ability to reduce noise pollution too. The rubber plant can grow up to 50 feet in the rainforest so yours might occasionally need trimming on your desk. It loves indirect light and you should water it only when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

Spider Plant, £12
Spider Plant, £12

Spider plant

This retro houseplant has made a comeback since NASA announced its status as a champion cleaner of air. Indoor air pollution is a major problem in many offices and luckily the spider plant is highly effective at removing pollutants and filtering dust from the air. Thriving in partial sun or just simply with fluorescent lights, this green-leaved hero can even enjoy a windowless office.

ZZ Plant, £13
ZZ Plant, £13

ZZ plant or Zamioculcas Zamiifolia

With its luscious green leaves, this plant is ideal if you're busy or new to plant parenting as it's one of the most low-maintenance plants available. Its tolerance to drought and ability to grow in low light means you could forget to water this plant for a couple of weeks and it will still thrive. 

Peace Lily, £13
Peace Lily, £13

Peace lily

One of the few houseplants which can bloom indoors, this tropical plant humidifies the air around it, which is great for offices with air conditioning, and can help your respiratory and skin health too. It thrives in low-light conditions making it perfect for areas with minimal levels of natural light.

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