7 Affordable Sunglasses Brands To Know
Ace & Tate’s Amsterdam-based design team creates stylish, understated shades – think aviators and updated classics. The brand offers a smart home try-on option: pick up to four of your favourite frames and it’ll lend them to you for five days, free of charge, to road test.
From £98
Visit Ace&Tate.com
With the option to try up to five frames at home for free, Bloobloom makes shopping for sunnies online a breeze. There’s also a ‘pay what you can’ offer when you purchase a second pair of glasses. And for every sale, the brand donates another to a person in need.
From £95
Designed in London and crafted in Italy, Finlay & Co’s classic shapes are built to last. With stores in Soho and Notting Hill, the brand counts Meghan Markle, Gigi Hadid and Cara Delevingne among its celebrity fans.
From £150
Visit Finlay&Co.com
The most affordable name in this bunch, Izipizi creates hardwearing, acetone sunnies and offers them at competitive prices. Based in France, the brand has previously collaborated with some of the coolest Parisian labels, including Colette and Le Bon Marché.
From £35
Visit Izipizi.com
Some of the coolest new sunglasses brands of the past few years have emerged from Paris and Jimmy Fairly is one of them. With boutiques in London and sophisticated virtual try-on software online, the brand offers a wide selection of styles, all with an understated Parisian aesthetic.
From £99
Visit JimmyFairly.co.uk
Relatively new on the scene, London-based Taylor Morris’ has one of the coolest selections out there. From striking mirrored lenses to everyday Wayfarer-type shapes, its range is perfect if you’re looking for something versatile.
From £120
Visit TaylorMorrisEyewear.com
Founded by British model Lily Cole, Wires emphasises sustainability in its edgy designs. The brand uses bio plastic and 3D printing for the lens rims, producing a tiny amount of waste compared to conventional eyewear manufacturing.
From £150
Visit WiresGlasses.com
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