Here’s How You Can Help Victims Of The Indonesia Tsunami

Here’s How You Can Help Victims Of The Indonesia Tsunami

The tsunami that hit Indonesia on Friday 28th September has caused insurmountable devastation to its residents, with the death toll hitting around 1,350 and only continuing to rise. Experts still don’t know what caused the 7.5 magnitude earthquake that devastated the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, but it’s hard to ignore the mass graves, injured victims and the thousands that are now homeless because of it. Here are some of the ways you can help those displaced by the disaster.

Donate To Non-Profits & Charities

Probably the most useful and pragmatic way to the help those affected by the tsunami is to donate money, in order to provide general aid, medical service, hygiene kits, food, water and shelter. Here’s a list of reputable charities to give money to.

Save the Children: Having already arrived in the Sulawesi city of Palu, STC will focus on providing a safe place for children and using your donations to provide hygiene kits and ‘on-the-move’ shelter kits that include tents and sleeping materials.

The Red Cross: The charity is on the ground and helping survivors and providing vital aid to the areas hit the hardest.

UNICEF: Working with authorities to help reunite children separated from their families, the group is also committed to providing clean water via a mobile water treatment facility.

Global Giving: Donation will initially help their first responders meet immediate needs for food, fuel, clean water, hygiene products and shelter, before donations will eventually go toward supporting long-term recovery.

Action Aid: The charity is urging people to donate what they can – as little as £30 could provide hygiene essentials for a family for a month, while £100 could provide clean water for 20 people for a month.

Oxfam: The charity aims to help 100,000 people, using donations to provide water, food and protection to those in need.

Disaster Emergency Committee: The DEC brings together 14 UK aid charities during humanitarian crises, who work together to raise money. Donating £30, £50 or £100 could provide shelter for a family for a month, provide dinner for a family for a month, or build a toilet and washing facility for a family respectively. And the great thing? The first £2 million donated by the public will be matched pound for pound by the UK government.

To find out which other charities will be accepting donations to the Indonesia tsunami, check out Charity Navigator’s list here.

Hold A Fundraiser

Whether it’s a bake sale, a dress-down day or a straight-up donation, urge your office to help with a fund collection that can then be sent off to your charity (or charities) of choice. Alternatively, if your birthday’s coming up, or even your wedding day, you can set up a donation in the place of wedding/birthday favours. Save The Children has some great advice on setting this up.

Keep An Eye On The Progress

Even once a crisis has disappeared from headlines – which, unfortunately, they eventually do – it’s important to keep checking back and seeing what kind of progress has been made; it’s uplifting to see your donation go to good use, but also what you can do next to continue to help. Those affected by the tsunami will be attempting to piece their lives back together for a long time to come, and perhaps seeing the progress will encourage one-time givers to make regular donations to their charity of choice.

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