What You Need To Know About ‘Baby’ Botox

What You Need To Know About ‘Baby’ Botox

Ask any cosmetic specialist and they’ll tell you ‘baby’ Botox is one of their most requested treatments. Using micro-doses of the muscle relaxant, it’s said to provide a more natural, fresh-faced look. We went to three leading aesthetic doctors to find out more.
By Rebecca Hull /

First, What Is Baby Botox?

“Baby Botox is all about a ‘less is more’ approach. It involves applying smaller doses of Botox into the face to achieve a more natural, less ‘frozen’ result, softening expression lines rather than freezing them entirely. It’s all about minimising creases and fine lines, but without losing all expression.” - Dr Richard Sibthorpe, Founder of DoctorSib.com 

“It’s exactly the same as standard Botox in terms of the actual drug being used – it is still botulinum toxin, diluted with the same amount and type of saline. The result is the same concentration, but the doses administered into the facial muscles are lower – that’s the key difference. Think of baby Botox as micro-dosing. For example, if I am treating crow’s feet around the eyes with standard Botox, I would usually administer 20 units of Botox. However, for baby Botox, I may use 12 instead of 20. The result will be a softening of the muscle activity and lines and wrinkles, but not total paralysis. It will be more natural looking, with greater, residual movement once the treatment kicks in.” Dr Bibi Ghalaie, Medical Director at The Doctor Bibi Clinic 

So The Key Difference Is The Lower Dosage?

“The main difference is fewer units of botulinum toxin. But what people likely don’t know is it lasts about the same time as traditional Botox – results wise – and it still affects the dynamic muscle contractions that cause wrinkles. That said, if you’re considering baby Botox, bear in mind the lower dose won’t remove all of your lines. Sometimes, patients will try this lower dose first and if in a few weeks they don’t see enough improvement, adjustments can be made for a more bespoke plan.” – Richard 

Who Is The Best Candidate For Baby Botox?

“Someone who is just starting to see static wrinkles – the lines that are present even when you aren’t making facial expressions. Examples of this include crow’s feet or smile lines, even forehead or frown lines. It’s also great for fixing a droopy brow. In the early stages of ageing, baby Botox will eradicate the lines. Some practitioners recommend preventative Botox like this before static lines set in but given these lines can be erased – even once established – I personally don’t recommend it. It can also be effective for patients wanting to tackle deeper lines – it might just take a bit longer. While you’ll be able to soften them, don’t be disappointed if you don’t completely eliminate them.” Dr Christine Hall, Taktouk Clinic

“Baby Botox is best suited to younger patients in their late 20s and early mid-30s. I get asked for this treatment frequently by patients who are in public-facing professions and want to maintain a more natural look – such as actors/actresses, people in PR and models. It’s great for those who want to maintain some of their facial expression and simply want to soften the lines and movement. I recommend it to those wanting to deal with hooded eyelids, too. Standard doses of Botox can cause a ptosis of the brows – which means the eyelids can become even heavier – whereas micro-doses in the forehead can give a nice lift without any unwanted weight.” – Bibi 

Baby Botox is best suited to YOUNGER PATIENTS in their LATE 20S and EARLY MID-30S.

How Do You Find The Right Practitioner? 

“It’s always said, but it’s always true: do your research. Likewise, pick a practitioner who has extensive experience with facial anatomy. They all have different styles and some advocate natural results more than others. Make sure you align your aesthetic goals with theirs, not theirs with yours. Your doctor will clean the skin with alcohol or an antiseptic and it’s best to not wear make-up to your appointment – this helps avoid any risk of infection.” – Richard

“I recommend asking around too – you’ll be surprised how many friends, colleagues or acquaintances have had it without you realising. It is the most common treatment administered at our clinic. So many people visit us saying they had no idea so many of their friends had it done. As for more practical advice, avoid alcohol and blood thinners prior to the injections as they will increase the risk of bruising. Anyone who is prescribed blood-thinning medication must speak to their GP before stopping it, though.” – Christine

What Should You Expect During A Baby Botox Appointment?

“The procedure only takes a few minutes. The injections are performed with very fine needles, so pain is minimal, and bruising is rare. When used in the muscle, baby Botox is injected similarly to traditional Botox, just in smaller doses.” – Richard 

“Medical photographs should be taken during your appointment. This will help you look at before and after comparisons, which is always useful. Don’t be surprised if we ask you to make certain facial expressions as we take the photographs – it helps us to get all the right angles. Once in the chair, we will clean your skin with an antimicrobial agent to reduce the risk of infection. We will then draw out the inject points and begin by using very small needles. The process is comfortable for all patients. Typically, we do five injections in the frown line areas, and for areas like the forehead, roughly five to six injections, while the eye area requires fewer – around three injections.” – Christine

How Long Until You Start To See Results? 

“It takes two weeks to see the final result, but some people will start to see a change as early as 24-48 hours post-procedure. Follow-up appointments should always be booked in at the two-week mark to check in. Because our aim is for natural, subtle results, we always start conservatively in the knowledge the dose can be topped up if required. Better still, we always include the cost of the follow-up appointment – and any top-ups required – in the initial fee.” – Christine

How Often Should You Have Baby Botox Done?

“As with regular Botox treatments, the results will last you at least three to four months. I have some patients for whom it lasts for longer, or less – it all varies person to person, but you may want to look into another session any time from this point on. My advice is, instead of letting your injections totally wear off after three to six months, look into subtle changes that can be done over a longer period of time with the lower dose – this will maintain results for longer. Teeny tiny injections like this are ideal, as they are personalised entirely to your needs.” – Richard 

It takes TWO WEEKS to see THE FINAL RESULTS, but some people will start to see a CHANGE as early as 24-48 HOURS post-procedure.

What About The Side Effects – Are There Any?

“Side effects are mild – the most common being bruising and/or bleeding. We know where the large blood vessels are located and can avoid them, but we all have a network of tiny blood vessels under the surface of the skin. Sometimes, no matter how careful we are, we might inadvertently hit one of these. It’s relatively uncommon, and if it happens, you may get a tiny bit of a bruise or bleeding, but either would be small and easy to cover.” – Christine

“It’s important you take note of some basic aftercare. Cosmetics are not completely sterile, so it’s best to avoid any make-up for 24 hours following an injection. Don’t exercise rigorously after Botox either. Perspiration can introduce bacteria into the injection site, increasing your risk of infection. Also, don’t get any chemical peels or microdermabrasion facials for 24 hours.” – Richard

Are There Any Other Downsides?

“The downside of baby Botox is that it can wear off more quickly. This means individuals can regain their muscle activity sooner than if they had the stronger, standard ‘non-baby’ doses. I believe it is important to make this clear to the patient beforehand, as part of the process of consent. A standard Botox treatment result can last anywhere from three to six months, depending on the patient’s metabolism, the strength of their muscles and on how much high-intensity exercise they do. Baby Botox results can wear off as soon as eight weeks after treatment, and it’s important you understand this in advance, otherwise you may feel you’ve paid for something that hasn’t worked. That said, my patients who have it done are usually happy to proceed for more natural results.” – Bibi 

Finally, What Should You Expect To Pay?

“The price is the same as normal Botox. It’s the technique and expertise you should be paying for, so don’t go cheap. Prices vary from £250-£400 and reviews should be complimentary. If you ever find a practitioner that seems overly affordable, always question it.” – Richard

Five Of Our Favourite Practitioners Offering Baby Botox...

Dr Richard Sibthorpe, DoctorSib.com

Dr Bibi Ghalaie, @TheDoctorBibiClinic

Dr Wassim Taktouk & Dr Christine Hall, DrWassimTaktouk.com

Dr Maryam Zamani, DrMaryamZamani.com 

Dr Benji Dhillon, DefineClinic.com

DISCLAIMER: Features published by SheerLuxe are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. Always seek the advice of your GP or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programme.

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