How To Make Your Hands Look Younger

How To Make Your Hands Look Younger

We all know the power of a good anti-ageing routine, but does yours include the hands too? There's not only truth to the old adage that they can give away your age, but as daily wear and tear means our hands show the signs of ageing faster than the rest of our bodies, they can even make us look older than we actually are. That's why we spoke to aesthetic specialist Dr Pamela Benito for her top tips on how to prevent and treat age spots, dry skin and loss of elasticity...

1. Cover Up With Gloves

Shield your hands from harsh cleaning products and washing-up liquid – which can seriously dry out the skin – by wearing rubber gloves whenever you use them. Additionally, always wear warm gloves when you're venturing outdoors in the cold, as this will protect them from weather damage which can lead to toughened skin.


2. Use A New-Gen Hand Cream

Everyone needs a decent hand cream in their beauty arsenal, and using one daily is the simplest thing you can do when it comes to anti-ageing. Not only will keeping your hands hydrated help skin retain its elasticity, opting for new-gen formulas packed with powerhouse anti-ageing ingredients like retinol, collagen and omega-3s will plump up skin and boost cell renewal – aiding with both age spots and crepiness.

3. Fade Age Spots Permanently

Since the pigment in age spots is located at the base of the epidermis, any treatments to permanently lighten them must penetrate the top layers of skin – hence why lasers are so effective at fading them. Laser treatments are able to destroy melanin-producing cells without damaging the skin's surface (microdermabrasion and chemical peels are also great for fading age spots, but will affect the top layers of skin). A few laser sessions may be needed, after which, age spots will gradually fade over the next few weeks or months.

4. Wear Sunscreen Daily

We're all used to hearing how SPF should be an essential part of our skincare routines year-round, and the same applies to your hands – just like your face, they're exposed to the sun far more than the rest of your body. As the sun is vastly detrtimental to skin, with sun damage being one of the main causes of age spots, it will pay off to apply sunscreen to your hands each day – opt for SPF50 or higher in the height of summer, or whilst on holiday in sunny climates, and use a hand cream with added SPF for the rest of the year (yes, even in the depths of winter).

5. Try Skin-Booster Treatments

Skin boosters function by gently and naturally increasing the hydration levels within the skin. This is done by providing micro injections of hyaluronic acid, a substance which occurs naturally in the body, which absorbs water and hydrates the treated areas. It's effective – making hands look fuller instantly and more youthful in the long-run – yet less invasive and with less possible side-effects than fillers (although fillers are also a great option, especially if you're concerned about the skeletal bony protrusions that come with age. Speak to your aesthetitian to decide on the best treatment for you).

5. Exfoliate Hands Weekly

Again, much like your facial skin, your hands need a good polishing down every now and then. Dry skin is easy to accumulate on the hands, so a quick solution is taking lemon and sugar
and rubbing your hands with them. While you can also buy specific hand exfoliators, often formulated with added anti-ageing AHAs and fruit enzymes, which will both remove the dead skin from your hands and create a more toned look in the process.

5. Take Care Of Cuticles

As we age, our skin gets drier, and one of the first places to show dryness on the hands is our cuticles. Ensure you're using a high-quality cuticle oil as part of your handcare routine – during the winter months, daily use would be best – to help rejuvenate and strengthen the delicate skin around the nails, and keep cuticles in good condition. Cuticle oil also helps to strengthen your nails, which can become more brittle with age.

6. Pick A Youthful Nail Colour

The nail polish you choose can have a big impact on how youthful your hands look. Firstly, if you have ridges in your fingernails – which are common as we age – apply a targeted base coat before your colour to help fill in the nails and create a smooth surface. Then, opt for shades with some warmth to them, such as orange-based reds (over blue-based reds), soft corals and warm nude pinks. This will instantly make dark spots and pesky blue-hued veins appear less noticeable.

For more information, or to book in for a hand rejuvenating treatment with Dr Pamela Benito, visit

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