How To Get Rid Of A Spot Overnight

How To Get Rid Of A Spot Overnight

Breakouts always seem to happen at the most inconvenient times… Cue a stressful panic involving throwing every lotion and potion you can find in a bid to banish that pesky pimple. Unless, that is, you take heed of SL’s Beauty Editor’s advice and stock up on this new hot product promising to bring blemishes down faster than you can say zit…

We’ve all been there. You’ve got big plans tomorrow night; you haven’t been guzzling wine or ingesting bags of sugar; and your skincare regime is crafted with military precision. But, just like that, you wake up to find the blemish of all blemishes right in the middle of your forehead. There’s no escaping it, no hiding it – it’s sat there in plain view for all to see. What do you do? Rather than reach for your toothpaste (yes this is an old wives’ tale, no it does not work or do your skin any favours), you need to be armed with a treatment that works, fast.

EradiKate Blemish Treatment, £22
EradiKate Blemish Treatment, £22

Enter, Kate Somerville’s EradiKate Blemish Treatment, £22, or as we like to call it – your good skin fairy godmother. A does-it-all solution, it’s packed full of spot stopping ingredients which work together to bring down blemishes and redness fast – sulfur calms inflammation and fights off infection, BHAs start to slough off dead skin cells, unclogging blocked pores and preventing new imperfections, while zinc oxide gets to work mopping up excess sebum and controlling further oil production.

To ensure a speedy spot reduction, apply the treatment as soon as it forms. This will help prevent extreme redness and should stop the bacteria from spreading on your skin, which can cause new breakouts. After cleansing, dip a cotton bud into the solution, take care not to shake the bottle, the solution should sit separately and is not meant to be mixed together. Leave it to dry, then simply wash off in the morning. You’ll awake to a cleaner, clearer complexion – it’s beauty sleep in a bottle.

Not yet familiar with the Kate Somerville brand? Hailing from the USA, super-facialist Kate caters to the complexions of Hollywood, with an impressive clientele including Meghan Markle and Jessica Alba. Only recently have her products became available in the UK, and while we adore them all, there’s a special place in our heart for the anti-blemish line – spanning pore-minimising cleansers to gentle-yet-clarifying masks; all clinically-proven to help keep oily and acne-prone complexions clearer.
Want to be in with a chance of winning a FREE EradiKate Blemish Treatment worth £28? Click here to enter, but make it quick – there are only 100 up for grabs!

Shop SL’s edit of the best Kate Somerville products for blemish-prone skin…

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