7 Face Cleansing Mistakes You Might Be Making

7 Face Cleansing Mistakes You Might Be Making

Cleansing is a crucial step in any skincare routine. We’ve all been doing it for years, but there’s more to getting it right than you may think. Two pros reveal the most common cleansing mistakes and how to rectify them.

1. MYTH: Cleansers Don’t Need To Be Washed Off

TRUTH: “It’s extremely important to use a cleanser that has to be rinsed off,” says Colette Haydon, a doctor in dermo-pharmacy and Founder of Lixirskin. “To put it simply: if you don’t rinse off your cleanser, then you’re not properly cleansing your skin. Controversially, I personally believe using cleansing milks (that need to be applied with a cotton pad), micellar water and cleansing wipes aren’t good enough options when it comes to removing all grime from your skin. All these do, in my opinion, is drag along the dirt and make-up without removing it properly.” 

2. MYTH: Skin Needs To Feel Squeaky Clean

TRUTH: “So many people think that a cleanser is only working if the skin feels squeaky clean,” explains Abigail James, a leading facialist and skincare expert. “It’s completely false. Using cleansers like this, which are often too harsh, will just bring about midday shine and more oil production. Instead, look to gentler formulas with essential oils and ingredients like ceramides, which rebuild elastin and keep skin hydrated.” 

3. MYTH: Oil-Based Cleansers Cause Acne & Shine 

TRUTH: “Most people think you can’t use an oil-based cleanser on oily skin. Actually, the best way to remove dirt and extra sebum is to dilute it with oil,” says Colette. “Oil-based cleansers are perfect for both oily and dry skin, and they’re a brilliant way of maintaining moisture levels.”

4. MYTH: You Only Need To Cleanse At Night

TRUTH: “I see this mistake all the time,” says Abigail. “So many people only cleanse at night, but we spend around eight hours in bed sweating. This is also when the body, including skin, is regenerating. Ideally, you should be cleansing morning and night to avoid congestion and any dullness. Starting with a cleansed face in the morning will also allow all your other products to absorb more effectively.”

5. MYTH: Double Cleansing Requires Different Products

TRUTH: “So many people think that to double cleanse you need two different products or textures,” says Colette. “This is a big misconception. It’s perfectly fine to use the same cleanser twice to get a deep cleanse – plus, it saves you money. Look to formulas you can leave on the skin for a deeper cleanse on either the first or second application.”

6.MYTH: You Can Use The Same Cleanser Your Whole Life

TRUTH: “Using the same products you did when you were younger is a big no-no,” says Abigail. “You’re a different age, your hormones have changed and in turn, so has your skin. It’s crucial to amend your routine with your skin’s needs. As we age, the skin dehydrates, loses collagen and is likely to have patches of pigmentation. Make sure your cleanser is targeting issues like these to keep your complexion in its best shape.”

7.MYTH: Micellar Water Doubles Up As A Toner

TRUTH: “Lots of people think micellar water can be used as a toner because of its lightweight formula,” says Abigail. “However, it’s not a toner and it will leave a film on the skin. I advise using micellar water as more of a pre-cleanse to take off the day’s grime. Then go in with another, thicker cleanser for your big, deep clean.”

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