10 Skincare Rules From A Top Facialist

10 Skincare Rules From A Top Facialist

From why we should stick to a set beauty routine to the importance of a double cleanse, legendary facialist, Michaella Bolder, shares her ten key steps to a flawless complexion…

1.      Don’t Underestimate The Double Cleanse

You’ve heard it a thousand times before, and while it might seem like a waste of time, there is no denying that when you do double cleanse, it really works to dig deep to remove the dirt and grime that lingers in your skin. Short for time? Try and just do it at least once or twice a week when your complexion is playing up, or you simply want to lend it some extra love.

SL Recommends: Kate Somerville ExfoliKate Cleanser; Medki8 Surface Radiance Cleanse; Pixi Hydrating Milky Cleanser

2.  Understand Your Own Skin Type 

Make sure you choose the correct products for your own skin type. Using what your mates use or what’s trending at the time won’t always suit your skin and people often forget this. Determine your own skin type, whether it’s through a skin expert or by yourself through trial and error, then make sure you stick to products best suited to maintain and look after your complexion. It’s all about tailoring it to your own specific needs.

3.   Make Sure You Stick To A Regime

Create both a daily and weekly skincare routine that works around your lifestyle, so you don’t have an excuse to miss it. A daily routine should consist of a morning and evening cleanse, which typically includes a serum, moisturiser and SPF. As for your weekly session, you’ll need to add in an exfoliation (pre-cleanse) and mask (post-cleanse) to boost your routine and remove any unwanted dead skin cells.

SL Recommends: Caudalie Vinosource SOS Intense Cream; Herbivore Prism Exfoliating Glow Potion; Summer Fridays R+R Mask; Super Facialist Firm Intense Facial Serum

4. Know That It’s Not Always Down To Skincare

When your complexion plays up, look further afield than your skincare products. It’s not always a product you need to chop – it could be changes happening on the inside of your body, whether that’s a change in diet, hormone imbalances or a stressful, busy lifestyle. Even the clothes you wear, like hats and scarves, can play their part in aggravating the skin, so be mindful and keep a diary to manage and maintain any issues that aren’t necessarily product related.

​​5.   Keep SPF On At All Times

It has been proven time and times again that the sun’s harmful rays have a detrimental effect on our skin, both intrinsically and extrinsically, causing premature ageing and unwanted pigmentation as a result. So, always wear SPF. Whether you opt for it in your tinted moisturiser, face cream or body lotion, try and shop for products that incorporate it, so you’re never without. 

SL Recommends: REN Clean Skincare Mineral SPF 30; Drunk Elephant Umbra Sheer Daily Defense SPF 30; Caudalie Anti-Wrinkle Face Suncare SPF50


6.   Ensure Your Complexion Stays Hydrated

It’s a well-known fact that some of us with oily or combination skin types will avoid oils and moisturisers like the plague. But here’s a fun fact: your skin produces its own oil (also known as sebum) in order to hydrate itself when there isn’t enough available, which means you could be the one causing that unbalanced bumpy skin, dehydrating it by avoiding those essential products. So, don’t be afraid to slather on some much-needed hydration.

7.   Apply Pressure To Your Face

Try to massage your facial muscles every day – it’s a simple trick that I recommend to all my clients. Each step in your routine that gives you enough slip to move around, take the opportunity to add some pressure, moving your fingers in deep circular motions to stimulate the blood flow and plump those lazy facial muscles. You’ll notice a contoured, sculpted difference straight away, I promise.

SL Recommends: Herbivore Jade Facial Roller; Odacite Crystal Contour Gua Sha; Sarah Chapman The Facialift

8.    Keep Up Regular Facials When Possible

Make sure it’s one that really works for your face and leaves you feeling that it was worth every penny. Facials can be really expensive, so it’s important that you always do your research and ask someone you trust which type would be best for what you want to achieve. When done regularly though, no one can deny the serious glow-giving benefits of a thorough facial – they’re also a brilliant way to expertly tackle specific skincare concerns.

9.  Remember That Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Don’t leave it too late to dig in deep with a regular skincare routine. Yes, you might have amazing skin right now, but what about in a few years’ time? It’s never too early to get started. Get to work on knowing what your skin’s needs are and keep your face clean every day, along with an exfoliation stage, daily SPF and a facial oil to nourish those living cells.

SL Recommends: Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil; Medik8 Glow Oil; Oskia Restoration Oil

10.  Buy Your Products Wisely

Last but definitely not least, don’t buy products off random websites. Lots of people ask me about products they’ve brought off Amazon or eBay, or even a random Japanese online shop – but this isn’t necessary when we have so many good products readily available to us now. Instead, ask an expert or a facialist which ingredients you should be looking for in your skin routine. This will help steer you in the right direction to compile your new regime that’s sure to suit both your skin and budget.

For more information visit  MichaellaBolder.com https://michaellabolder.com/

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