Beauty 101: How To Care For Your Underarms

Beauty 101: How To Care For Your Underarms

Bearing the brunt of daily shaving, deodorant and more, underarms deserve a little love now and again. Here, Legology founder Kate Shapland and Pacifica founder Brook Harvey-Taylor explains how to look after this sensitive area – including the products to use and the ones to avoid.
By Sapna Rao /

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Understand Why Underarms Are Important

“Generally speaking, beauty is becoming increasingly targeted because consumers are looking for the best products, expertise and solutions to their concerns. That explains why you see an increased focus on specific areas, like the underarms. We’ve seen a number of concerns in this area, with a growing focus on skin sensitivity, irritation and darkness issues – be it a result of genetics or repetitive shaving. There’s a lot more to cater to these days across the underarm-care market – far more than just odour control.”Kate Shapland

“Customers are also becoming much more concerned about the ingredients they use on this part of their body. There’s been pushback in the industry about antiperspirants versus general deodorants – antiperspirants actually block your body's eccrine glands, while deodorants just mask the odour. As a result, we’ve seen more consumers who want to avoid traditional products – not to mention parabens, aluminium and so on – on the hunt for new products.”Brook Harvey-Taylor

Respect That The Skin Is Delicate Here

“Our underarms are home to a number of lymph nodes, so it’s vital to be gentle in this area. The lymph is so integral to the overall health and immunity of your body. It runs like a network around your body and is a natural waste disposal system, transporting waste away to be metabolised and keeping you free of germs and other unwanted matter. Running just beneath the surface of the skin, it’s extremely fragile, which is why it horrifies me to see people harshly body brushing under the arms, or being rough with their razors. It’s so easy to damage your lymph and cause more harm than good, especially when the skin here is so thin. Any motions you do under your armpits – body brushing included – must be incredibly light and quick. Never press too hard and always take your time.” – Kate

Choose The Right Ingredients

“As mentioned, the lymph nodes’ proximity to the surface of your armpits is a key reason to be careful. Underarm ‘skinification’ – as some are calling it – should be as simple and unperfumed as possible. This doesn’t mean, however, that what you use has to be ‘all natural’ – it’s important to remember that nature (and natural ingredients) isn’t always kind. Ingredients offering kind, gentle care are ideal: for example clay, rose, aloe vera and glycerin – the latter is known for its nourishing, hydrating qualities.”– Kate 

Our deodorants use something called ‘saccharomyces ferment filtrate’ – an effective odour neutraliser derived from vegetable fermentation. It’s rich in probiotic enzymes, which helps neutralise odour-causing bacteria on the underarms, and these are the types of ingredients you want to use in this delicate area. Zinc is also a safe and effective odour-fighting ingredient. It's ideal for those with sensitive skin or allergies because it doesn’t contain any traces of aluminium or parabens. Naturally absorbent ingredients like corn starch, or baking powder are great for combating moisture caused by sweat, while arrowroot powder is also better for those who are sensitive to baking powder. Plant extracts and oils, such as sage and tea tree, are also effective. You will need to find what works for you as some underarms are more sensitive than others, but generally speaking these are all gentle and nourishing options.” – Brook

You may think underarms don’t need HYDRATING but think again. Often PRONE TO DRYNESS as a result of shaving and sweat, it’s worth trying products with ingredients that offer hydrating care.

Keep The Area Hydrated

“You may think underarms don’t need hydrating but think again. Often prone to dryness as a result of shaving and sweat, it’s worth trying products with ingredients that offer hydrating care, such as hyaluronic acid, prebiotics, aloe vera, lemon, silica, magnesium and even CBD – just like those you would find in facecare products.” – Kate 

“The best time to bolster hydration levels in this area is at night. It may sound odd, but a lightweight serum, just like the ones you use on your complexion, can help keep this area from drying out or becoming irritated. You don’t need to buy a whole new routine for your underarms, you can use what you have – just opt for thinner formulas for better absorption.” – Brook

Take The Time To Remove Product Build-Up

“Your armpits can be sensitive. There’s a lot going on in there, so take the time to mask or exfoliate, and wash thoroughly to remove bacteria and product build up. Our Coconut & Charcoal Underarm Detox Scrub helps remove pore-clogging products and reset your underarms to their natural state. You can also use gentle body exfoliators in this area, too – especially if they’re designed for sensitive skin. This area is no different to the rest of your skin, so give it the attention it deserves.” – Brook

“The industry has put a huge emphasis on underarm care recently, with new products such as brightening masks and creams that work while you sleep appearing on the shelves. While your regular skincare will work just as well, these dedicated products are worth trying because they penetrate thinner skin better. If you’re prone to excessive dryness or sensitivity, you’ll benefit from using them, so take the time to indulge if you can. You’ll also find regular care and hydration in this area will prevent issues like ingrown hairs, under-the-skin bumps and eczema.” – Kate

Minimise Inflammation Where You Can

“If your armpits are prone to inflammation or you’re suffering with an infection of any kind, take the same approach as you do to ingrown hairs. Apply a hot compress to draw out any infection from your underarms, then apply a soothing antiseptic wash and gel. If you’re suffering with soreness, don't epilate or shave until everything has settled down.”– Kate

“Dead skin under the arms is a key cause of inflammation in this area. To avoid it, try to exfoliate or use a cream before you shave. When you do shave, try using an oil or a very rich, lathering body wash to lubricate the skin and prevent any dragging motions. It also goes without saying you should invest in a high-quality razor. I avoid the disposable kind. Not only are they not sustainable, they can tear the skin far more easily than those with removable, padded heads. Finally, remember to replace razor blades often. It’s a simple rule, but you will notice a huge difference in the appearance of your underarm skin.” – Brook 

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