8 Interview Tips & Tricks For A Marketing Role
Know The Company's Market & Competitors
“It’s important to research the company's market, its competitors, and its positioning. Be ready to discuss how the company differentiates itself and where you see opportunities for growth or improvement in its marketing strategies.” – Stacey Karlsson, MD, Goho
Find Wider Inspiration
“You should also go beyond researching the company. Think about brands that inspire you and marketing campaigns you love. Be prepared to discuss why these resonate with you and how they influence your perspective on marketing. This shows that you are engaged with the industry and have a genuine interest in creative and strategic aspects of marketing.” – Sophie Baillie, associate director & head of client services, Conscious Communications
Freshen Up On Your Hard Skills
“Marketing is not always super glamorous as it can involve a lot of reporting and data analysis. Make sure you have a good understanding of the reporting tools and how to interpret data, as this will help inform strategy moving forward, so it is really key to any business. Google Analytics offers a lot of free training courses if you don't already know how to use it.” – Victoria Kong, junior marketing manager, SheerLuxe
Prepare To Discuss Metrics
“Understand the basics of marketing metrics like engagement rates, conversion rates and ROI. While you may not be expected to have in-depth knowledge, showing awareness of these concepts is important.” – Stacey
Be Creative
“Be creative with your ideas. In an interview, you can impress with any blue-sky ideas you may have for the company. Nothing is too silly at this stage, and it shows that you're already thinking of what you can add to the role. The bolder and more creative you are (within reason), the more you will stand out. Just make sure it is relevant to the company.” – Victoria
Write Down Your Achievements
“If you have any previous success stories or metrics to share that illustrate how good you are, make a note of these in as much detail as you can. Lots of skills you have might not be directly related to marketing, but many skills are transferable, so jot down any abilities that might be relevant to the role.” – Marcus Knight, co-founder & marketing director, Be Yellow
Showcase Your Personality
“Especially in an industry such as marketing, where you are expected to demonstrate creativity in your role, it is hugely important to showcase your personality in an interview. It’s easy to forget that hiring managers are not just looking for a skillset, but are also wanting to make sure their new hire is a good fit for their team culture. A great tip is to use your interests to your advantage. Think of marketing campaigns that you found particularly interesting, funny, effective or controversial. Talking about things you are genuinely interested in is a great way to allow your personality to come through in a job interview.” – Georgie Lee, PR & marketing assistant, Conscious Communications
Provide Visual Examples Of Your Work
“Sometimes simply explaining your experience and past work can be fine in an interview. But if you’re preparing for a marketing role interview, it’ important to have examples of your work that you can show to the interviewer – especially if you’re going for a creative role. These might be campaign materials along with the results of said campaign in a short presentation or a video sharing this work. You could even print out some examples of coverage you’ve secured along with the content you wrote for the campaign. This can showcase your skills and provide visual examples for the interviewer to take away for when they’re making their decision. Having something to show will really help you stand out.” – Gareth Hoyle, MD, Marketing Signals
Inspiration credits: @LunaKlestrup | @ManonDeVelder | @FiaHamelijnck | @Amaka.Hamelijnck
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