6 Careers Influencers To Follow
The Careers Edit
The Careers Edit started life as the London Young Professionals Network back in 2017. Founder Oliver Haddock was bored of tired, stuffy, awkward networking events in lifeless corporate spaces, so he started championing more relaxed ways of meeting people in your industry. Today, The Careers Edit encompasses a podcast, an online magazine and IRL events at places like The Ned, AllBright and Gymshark Regent St – as well as river boats and rooftops around town. Speakers have included the likes of Grace Beverley, Alice Liveing, Emma Hothersall (@WhatEmWore), Stefanie Sword-Williams (@FBeingHumble), Eshita Kabra-Davies (ByRotation founder) and Daisy Morris (@TheSelfHood).
Follow @TheCareersEdit on Instagram and @TheCareersEdit on TikTok
Shola West
This ‘big sis to younger creatives’ has all the cool-girl career inspo you need. Sick of hearing that Gen Z is lazy, Shola created a platform to give them the tools and confidence to go after what they want – or at least work out what they don’t want. Knowledgeable and supportive, she posts opportunities to apply for, cute working spaces to go to, as well as tips for building a successful career without A Levels or a degree.
Follow @SholaWest on Instagram and @AllThingsMediaSis on TikTok
My Legal Career
This is the account that helps you live out your Legally Blonde dream. From study tips to how to get a legal internship, Maia has a lot of resources on offer. Her days-in-the-life give wannabe lawyers an inside look at what it takes to become a barrister or solicitor – including the exams. Her work-appropriate fits contain great ideas for office attire that still feels like you.
Follow @MyLegalCareer on Instagram and @MyLegalCareer on TikTok
Med By Fio
Inspirational is a big word, but Med By Fio deserves it. After receiving a brain tumour diagnosis, Fiona decided to use it to propel her forward. She has since travelled the world and is now training to become a doctor. Her content is motivating and fun, and proves that being girly and academic are not mutually exclusive. If you are considering going into a medical field, give her a follow.
Internship Girl
Love them or loathe them, internships are a fact of life in a lot of industries. Truth is, they give you a chance to try out a workplace and get some extra experience on your resumé. Avalon can help you maximise your chances of landing one. From email templates to personal pitches and how to bulk apply, she is clued up. She even shares scripts to help you nail an interview.
Follow @IntershipGirl on Instagram and @InternshipGirl on TikTok
F*ck Being Humble
It’s so easy to get trapped in that lack-of-confidence cycle, especially when you are just starting out. Founder and author Stefanie is here to teach you how to self-promote and navigate your career confidently – without apologising all the time. From things she wishes she knew when she started to how to smash your performance review and negotiate a pay rise, she’s got frank, honest and unapologetic advice to help young people in their careers. Her inspo quotes are also pretty good to see on your ‘gram when you’re having a bad day.
Follow @FBbeingHumble on Instagram
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